Chris Mulryan
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

This is a practice assessment for people studying anatomical Topics

Chris Mulryan
Created by Chris Mulryan almost 8 years ago

Part 1 Anatomy & Physiology Formative Assessment

Question 1 of 50


Which one of the following describes the cell membrane?

Select one of the following:

  • A bi-layer consisting of phospholipids

  • A structure that surrounds the nucleolus of a cell

  • A structure that secretes proteins

  • A structure containing enzymes within a cell

  • A structure capable of secreting hormones


Question 2 of 50


In the G2 phase of the cell cycle which one of the following is occurring?

Select one of the following:

  • The centromeres line up at the distal aspects of the cell

  • The cell divides in a meiosis form

  • The cell membrane invaginates

  • DNA structures are checked for errors

  • DNA is synthesized


Question 3 of 50


In the G0 phase of the cell cycle which one of the following is occurring?

Select one of the following:

  • DNA is checked

  • The cell is in a resting state

  • The cell actively dividing

  • Intracellular organelles are synthesized

  • DNA is copied


Question 4 of 50


Chromosomes condense in which one of the following stages of a cells life span?

Select one of the following:

  • The G0 Phase

  • During cell division (Mitosis)

  • The G2 Phase

  • Chromosomes are always visible within a cell

  • The G1 Phase


Question 5 of 50


Which one of the following is the function of a Ribosome?

Select one of the following:

  • To secrete proteins

  • To secrete lipid-based products

  • To degrade intra-cellular waste

  • To synthesize ADP

  • To secrete hormones


Question 6 of 50


During metaphase of mitosis which one of the following is occuring?

Select one of the following:

  • Chromosomes condense within the nucleus of the cells

  • The condensed chromosomes a line in the centre​ of the cell

  • Nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes

  • Chromosomes are pulled back into diffrent sides of the cell via the mitotic spindels

  • Mitotic spindles disslove


Question 7 of 50


In terms of DNA which one of the following is a function of Ribose?

Select one of the following:

  • It is an enzyme copies DNA

  • It is one of the bases that makes up the DNA sequence

  • It is a sugar which attaches to a base pairs to make a nucleotide

  • It describes the bonds that form between the individual bases to form base pairs

  • It is a phosphate that enables the DNA sequence to build


Question 8 of 50


Where in a cell is ATP synthesised within a cell?

Select one of the following:

  • Golgi Apparatus

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum

  • Plasma Membrane

  • Mitochondria

  • Cytoplasm


Question 9 of 50


The function of an exocytic vesicle is best described by which one of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • A membrane-bound vesicle that is used to bring large products into the cell

  • A membrane-bound vesicle that is used to remove products from the cell

  • A vesicle containing microorganisms following phagocytosis

  • A vesicle that contains lysozymes

  • A vesicle that contains ATP


Question 10 of 50


The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responcible for which one of the following within a cell?

Select one of the following:

  • Manufacturining of protines

  • Manufacturing lipid based products

  • Manufacturing Robosomes

  • Degrading insulin

  • Conjugation of bile


Question 11 of 50


Chordae tendineae are associated with which one of the following structures?

Select one of the following:

  • Left Atrium

  • Aortic & pulmonary valves

  • Right Atrium

  • Atrio ventricular valves

  • Intra vascular luminal valves


Question 12 of 50


In health, which one of the follow helps to prevent blood from adhering to the inner surface of the heart?

Select one of the following:

  • The endocardium

  • The pericardium

  • The myocardium

  • The epicardium

  • Surfactant


Question 13 of 50


Angiotensin Two has which one of the following effects on blood vessels?

Select one of the following:

  • Reduces permeability of blood vessles

  • Angiotensin two is an inactive precursor chemical

  • Produces vasoconstriction

  • Increases permeability of capillaries

  • Produces vasodilatation


Question 14 of 50


Increased vagal tone will have which one of the following effects on the cardiovascular system?

Select one of the following:

  • Increase in heart rate

  • Increase in cardiac output

  • Reduction in cardiac output

  • Reduced time needed for the cardiac action potential to be undertaken

  • Vasoconstriction


Question 15 of 50


Which one of the following best describes how the ventricles fill during diastole?

Select one of the following:

  • Mostly passive followed by a topping up from the atrial systole

  • Expansion of the pericardium creates a negative intraventricular pressure which draws blood in

  • From the aorta and pulmonary artery

  • The ventricles are filled entirely actively during atrial systole

  • Ventricular filling occurs during systole not diastole


Question 16 of 50


Blood flow in the coronary vessels is maximal at which one of the following stages of the cardiac cycle?

Select one of the following:

  • Blood flow in the coronary vessels is not affected by the cardiac cycle

  • Early Diastole iso-volumetric relaxation

  • Ventricular systole

  • Late diastole (diastasis)

  • Atrial systole


Question 17 of 50


Which one of the following combines with heart rate to produce the cardiac output equation?

Select one of the following:

  • Stroke volume

  • Pulse pressure

  • Mean arterial pressure

  • Systemic vascular resistance

  • Intra ventricular pressure


Question 18 of 50


During repolisartaion of a cardiac myocyte, which one of the following describes the movement of potassium?

Select one of the following:

  • From inside the cell to outside the cell via potassium channels

  • From inside the cell to outside the cell via ATP-powered pumps

  • There is no movement of potassium during repolarisation, sodium is the main cation that is moved during this stage

  • From outside the cell to inside the cell via passive diffusion

  • From outside of the cell to inside the cell via ATP powered pumps


Question 19 of 50


With regard to the AV node, which one of following is true?

Select one of the following:

  • It is the natural pacemaker of the heart

  • It is made of cardiac myocytes

  • It has no automaticity

  • It has a spontaneous discharge rate of 100 per minute

  • In health it is the only electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles


Question 20 of 50


Which one of the following coronary vessels supplies the majority of the posterior wall of the heart?

Select one of the following:

  • The circumflex artery

  • The left anterior descending artery

  • Right coronary artery

  • Left main coronary artery

  • The coronary sinus


Question 21 of 50


The tidal volume of the lung is described by which one of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • The amount of air that is moved when coughing

  • The amount of air that can be maximally inhaled in to the lungs

  • The speed at which air can be expelled from the lungs

  • The amount of air that is moved in a relaxed breath

  • The amount of air that is contained in the respiratory dead space


Question 22 of 50


Gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood takes place in which one of the following locations?

Select one of the following:

  • Trachea

  • Visceral pleura

  • Bronchi

  • Terminal bronchioles

  • Alveoli


Question 23 of 50


In the lungs what is the role that surfactant plays?

Select one of the following:

  • It facilitates the transport of carbon dioxide out of the blood

  • It helps to prevent collapse of and trauma the alveoli

  • It liquefies mucus

  • It assists with oxygen transport into the blood

  • It converts bound hydrogen ions to free hydrogen ions


Question 24 of 50


Which of the following is part of the upper respiratory tract?

Select one of the following:

  • Oesophagus

  • Larynx

  • Pharynx

  • Trachea

  • Bronchi


Question 25 of 50


The right lung is divided into how many lobes?

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5


Question 26 of 50


Which of following best describes the role that the sternocleidomastoid muscles play in breathing?

Select one of the following:

  • There are the primary muscle that activates ventilation

  • They do not have a role in respiration

  • They are used in forced expiration

  • They are an accessory mussel of ventilation

  • They operate in parallel with each breath


Question 27 of 50


The nasal hairs fulfil which one of the following functions within the respiratory tract?

Select one of the following:

  • Divide the nose into right and left chambers

  • Filter debris from inhales air

  • Warm air as it enters the sinuses

  • Are the part of the nose responsible for the sense of smell

  • Serve no functional purpose


Question 28 of 50


The point at which the trachea divides into two separate bronchi is given which one of the following names?

Select one of the following:

  • Helix

  • Hilum

  • Bronchiole

  • Turbinate

  • Carina


Question 29 of 50


Which one of the following describes the function of a goblet cell in the respiratory epithelium?

Select one of the following:

  • It secretes surfactant

  • It moves mucus towards the digestive tract

  • It moves mucus towards the alveolus

  • It secretes mucus

  • It stimulates a cough reflex when the airway is over filled


Question 30 of 50


The parietal pleura can be described best by which one of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • The space in-between the two layers of pleura

  • The fluid that lubricates lung movement

  • The layer of the pleura that is attached to the lung

  • The layer of the pleura that is attached to the chest wall

  • The Space in between the lungs


Question 31 of 50


The binding of a cholesterol based hormone to its receptor will often result initially in the production of which one of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • DNA Synthesis

  • G Protein Activation

  • Messenger RNA Synthesis

  • Release of vesicle bound hormones

  • Synthesis of membrane bound proteins


Question 32 of 50


The term ‘secondary messengers’ refers to which one of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • In intracellular signalling process that occurs following peptide-based hormone binding to its receptor

  • In intracellular signalling process that occurs following steroid-based hormone binding to its receptor

  • The structural changes in a cell following the binding of any hormone

  • The manufacture of a secondary product in response to binding of any hormone

  • The activation of a hormone receptor by a non hormone product e.g. an autoantibody


Question 33 of 50


Which one of the following hormones will increase blood glucose?

Select one of the following:

  • Insulin

  • Thyrotrophin

  • Somatostatin

  • Aldosterone

  • Glucagon


Question 34 of 50


One of the properties of a cholesterol based hormone is that?

Select one of the following:

  • It is soluble in water

  • It does not require a carrier protein to get to its site of action

  • It can cross cell membranes easily

  • It is active even when protein bound

  • It can be manufactured from a single amino acid


Question 35 of 50


How many functional layers can be identified on histological assessment of the adrenal cortex?

Select one of the following:

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

  • Four

  • Five


Question 36 of 50


Beta cells in the islets of Langerhans secretes which one of the following hormones?

Select one of the following:

  • Insulin

  • Lipase

  • Somatostatin

  • Glucagon

  • Glycogen


Question 37 of 50


The parafolicullar C cells of the thyroid gland secrete which one of the following hormones

Select one of the following:

  • Monoiodothyronine

  • Tetraiodothyronine

  • Paryathyroid hormone

  • Calcitonin

  • Calcitrol


Question 38 of 50


Which one of the following is an example of a hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland?

Select one of the following:

  • Thyroid stimulating hormone

  • Anti diuretic hormone

  • Aldosterone

  • Melatonin

  • Thyroid releasing hormone


Question 39 of 50


Which one of the following structures secretes cortisol?

Select one of the following:

  • Anterior Pituitary

  • Hypothalamus

  • Adrenal Cortex

  • Adrenal Medulla

  • Testis


Question 40 of 50


Which one of the following defines a hormone?

Select one of the following:

  • A chemical that is secreted by a cell and has an effect on the cell that secreted it

  • A chemical that communicates across a synapse

  • A chemical that is secreted by a cell travels in the blood and has an effect on a cell remote from the site of secretion

  • A chemical that is secreted by a cell and has an effect on cells local to that cell

  • A chemical this is responsible for communication between cells of the immune system


Question 41 of 50


Which one of the following is true about the pancreatic acini?

Select one of the following:

  • They secret pancreatic enzymes

  • They secrete insulin

  • They secrete glucagon

  • They secrete bile

  • They absorb glucose


Question 42 of 50


What type of endothelial lining does the oesophagus have in healthy individuals?

Select one of the following:

  • Columnar

  • Ciliated

  • Squamous

  • Cuboidal

  • Pseudo Stratified


Question 43 of 50


What is the name of the structure that supplies blood to the majority of the small intestine?

Select one of the following:

  • Pan Piniform Plexus

  • Superior mesenteric artery

  • Inferior mesenteric artery

  • Celiac artery

  • Gastric artery


Question 44 of 50


Which one of the following substances is secreted by the gastric parietal cells?

Select one of the following:

  • Gastrin

  • Histamine

  • Mucus

  • Hydrochloric Acid

  • Stomatastatin


Question 45 of 50


What is the name of the duct that drains bile from the left and right hepatic ducts?

Select one of the following:

  • Common Bile Duct

  • Pancreatic duct

  • Cystic Duct

  • Common Hepatic Duct

  • Sphincter of Oddi


Question 46 of 50


What is the name given to the most distal part of the stomach?

Select one of the following:

  • Antrum

  • Greater Curve

  • Lesser Curve

  • Pyloris

  • Fundus


Question 47 of 50


Which one of the following is the connection between the small and large intestine?

Select one of the following:

  • Myenteric Plexus

  • Pyloric Sphincter

  • Internal anal Sphincter

  • Cardiac Sphincter

  • Ileocecal valve


Question 48 of 50


The longitudinal muscle layer in the wall of the gastro-intestinal tract serves which one of the following functions?

Select one of the following:

  • Close the segment of intestines circumferentially

  • Propel the contents of the intestine forwards

  • Compress the intestine

  • Maintain integrity of the intestine lumen

  • Help to sense the consistence of intestinal contents


Question 49 of 50


Which one of the following describes the action of bile in the gastrointestinal tract?

Select one of the following:

  • It causes fats to coat villi

  • It emulsifies fats braking it down in to smaller globules

  • It binds fat to proteins to facilitate its absorption

  • Bile is a waste product of hepatic function and has no effect on fats

  • It reduces fats in to fatty acids


Question 50 of 50


Pancreatic secretions and bile have to pass through which one of the following structures before entering the gastrointestinal tract?

Select one of the following:

  • Hepatic Sinusoid

  • Ampulla

  • Plyloric Sphincter

  • Space of Diss

  • Sphincter of Oddi
