Created by Vicki Diaz
over 8 years ago
I´m working
They´re studdying
We´re looking at you.
Andrew ´s reading your letter
Teresa´s having lunch with me
I´m talking to yours boss
My cousing is writing a poem
My dog´s sitting in your armchair
Darrens mum is cooking for ten
Darren´s having a party
I speak German to my children
Tony plays the violin in the bathroom
Julia sleeps in the kitchen
Leroy has lunch in the garage
Florence cooks in her bedroom
we alwoys drive to work in a truck
Charlie eats apples under his desk
My wife and I drink wine in the dark
I´m happy
she´s sad because....
they´re tire becouse....
Tristan´s upset beacouse....
we´re thirsty because....
Jenny´s hungry because...
My parents are angry because...