Created by IcyQuiet
over 10 years ago
What is an element?
What is a compound?
H =
He =
Li =
Be =
B =
C =
N =
O =
F =
Ne =
K =
Mg =
Al =
Si =
P =
S =
Cl =
Ar =
Na =
Ca =
Sc =
Ti =
V =
Cr =
Mn =
Fe =
Co =
Ni =
Cu =
Zn =
Ga =
Ge =
As =
Se =
Br =
Kr =
What is the chemical compound of Methane?
What is the chemical compound of Water?
What is the chemical compound of Carbon Dioxide?
What is the chemical compound of Ethylene?
What is the chemical compound of Sulfur Dioxide?
What is the chemical compound of Nitrogen Dioxide?
What is the chemical compound of Carbon Monoxide?
What is the chemical compound of Ammonia?
What is the chemical compound of Hydrochloric Acid?
What is the chemical compound of Nitric Acid?
What is the chemical compound of Sulfuric Acid?
What is the chemical compound of Methane?