Created by Andrew Street
over 8 years ago
1814 Osteomalacia is defective m..... of newly formed bone matrix or osteoid. Rickets is defective m..... at the e..... g...... p..... and is found in association with osteomalacia in children.
1810 List causes of vit D deficiency.
1811 Clinical features of osteomalacia.
1811 Clinical features of rickets.
1812 DDx for bone P.
1813 Causes of rickets & osteomalcia.
1815 Ix for rickets & osteomalacia.
1815 What characteristic x-ray finding in osteomalacia is shown?
1816 Rx for rickets & osteomalacia.
1816 What advice is given to prevent vit D deficiency in young children?
1820 Osteoporosis predisposes to skeletal f.....
from a quantitative d..... in bone matrix components (o..... & h.....) of bone.
1817 Explain T & Z scores and give the definitions of osteoporosis & osteopenia.
1818 What are the typical presentations of osteoporosis?
1819 Give a DDx for pathological #'s.
1821 List risk factors for osteoporosis.
1821 List secondary causes of osteopenia.
1822 Outline the Mx of established osteoporosis.
1824 Outline preventative measures for osteoporosis.
What is shown by the arrow?
1828 Osteitis deformans or Paget’s disease is a focal disorder of bone re..... The initial event of excessive r..... is followed by a compensatory increase in new bone f....., increased local bone blood flow and fibrous tissue in adjacent bone marrow. Ultimately, formation e...... resorption but the new bone is structurally abnormal.
1829 Describe the main clinical features of Pagets DS.
1830 Ix to confirm Paget's DS.
1831 Rx of Paget's DS.
What is shown by the arrows?
What is seen in this x-ray?