Created by Marc-Anthoni Peacock
about 8 years ago
True or False
The church is not pictured as the people of God.
What is Another image of the church, frequently employed in Paul's letters?
What is Paul's concept of the New Humanity?
What is the New Humanity?
What is the purpose of the Church?*
What are the results if the Church accomplish it's purpose?
What are the activities that often referred to as the functions, or tasks of the church?
What is koinonia?
What is the Mission of the Church?
What is our Individual response to the Mission of the Church?*
What are the Church Response, life, and work of the church?*
True or False
The important thing is to recognize the discrepancies that exist between the witness we want to share and the witness we are sharing with the world.
What is the Church trying to do to people?*
What is the concept of working together in the Church?
True or False
To developing Productive Partnerships For ministers and congregations there must be consensus about the approach to and style of leadership.
True or False
Church members have every right to expect that ministers and lay leaders will agree on the purpose, vision, and principles by which their congregation will be led.
What are the Principles for Life and Ministry?
Where is the Church?
How Is the 21st Century Church Organized?
How Does a Church Measure Theological Success Today?
True or False
The following is a good measuring stick to judge success in today's Church: Are lives being changed? Are members practicing their faith at church and also in the community? Are they becoming missional, living and serving as Jesus did?
How does a church measure success?
In a widely used textbook on organizational renewal, leaders are advised to view their organizations through four frames?
What is Budgeting?
What is planning?
what is evaluating?
What is dreaming?
What does it mean to close out a ministry?
True or False
Does eschatology provide theological perspective for closure?
Explain the congressional "Health Cycle."
What is an Ad-ministry style?
What is the difference between chronos and kairos?
The apostle Paul names administration as what?
What is Church Administration?
Why is organization needed in the Church?
What are five distinguishing characteristics of the New Testament church?
What is the glue of Church Organization?
What is the Church Council?
What is a Moderator?
What is a Church Clerk?
What is a property and space committee?
What is a Finance Committee?
What is the personal committee?
What is the Nominating Committee?
What are the two kinds of work done by committees in a church.
What are the 3 views that people view the Church?
What is the Mission of the Church?*
Determining the Nonnegotiable's, what are they?
Where Does the Church Do Its Work?
What is the Leadership of an Organization?
What is the Church?
What is Transformational Leadership?
What is a The Transformational Leader?
What is the role of leaders?
Church Administration or Management is all three (3) elements?
What is the basic management challenge for most ministers?
What are some of the numerous resources that ministers have for selecting a consistent ad ministry style?
True or False
The minister works with appropriate committees, councils, and task forces to ensure an orderly and productive transition. Official documents may spell out formal procedures for an interim period or tradition may suggest informal approaches.
True or False
The process of saying good-bye is largely a relational one. While proclamation (evangelism, preaching, teaching, and worship) and pastoral care (counseling, family ministry, grief work, and officiating special events) enter into closure strategies, management is the focus here. Closure involves several attitudes and actions.
What are the Basic church programs designed to for the Church?
What are the essential elements in deciding how to organize a Church?*
True or False
An effective organizational structure includes a church council or other administrative group that would be charged with planning, coordinating, and evaluating the church's programs and ministries.
True or False
Because most administration is handled within programs, those who work with similar age groups in different organizations often need to link up to coordinate work and support one another. This can be achieved through age-level coordination.
True or False
Age grouping, or grading, is used most often when trying to match developmental needs of individuals with the educational experiences provided. This is the approach usually recommended by denominational program leaders to facilitate an ongoing, systematic study of curriculum materials by all ages.
True or False
Grouping according to compatibility is used in many churches—particularly among adults—to allow persons who have the most in common to be together. People congregate due to factors such as preferred learning style or fellowship needs, and these preferences are established as a regular part of the organizational structure.
True or False
Interest grouping is used when persons are free to select the most appealing study or activity. These groups exist as long as the particular study or activity is provided; consequently, this approach is used primarily with short-term educational activities and special emphases.
True or False
Each group, class, department, division, and program should keep records of its activities and report regularly to the next larger unit. All basic programs and organizations, such as Sunday school, discipleship training, music ministry, and missions, should report regularly to the church. Provide an update of activities in monthly or quarterly business meetings and a summary report at the end of the church year.
True or False
Good records enable leaders to discover needs and opportunities so that appropriate and timely responses can be made. A secondary benefit concerns their historical value. Not only are records necessary when studying your heritage or dealing with legal issues, but data over the years can be studied for trends and needs that can be of significant use in determining leadership actions and planning strategy.
True or False
Each unit in an organization should report essential information to the leaders of the next larger unit of which it is a part.
True or False
The effective church administrator learns to build one-to-one friendships. Moreover,managers must also expand their skills in relating to work groups, ministry committees, and program councils by learning to function well in one-to-several and one-to-many settings.
True or False
The management sciences distinguish among four kinds of organizations.: the for-profits, the governmental, and the not-for-profits. Churches and other Christian institutions fit into the not-for-profit category.
True or False
Churches that take the “priesthood of every believer” principle seriously take work groups seriously too. Behind most congregational ministries and services lie the efforts of a committee or committees. This imperfect method of coordinating ministry has a way of working well enough in the end to advance the mission of the congregation.
True or False
Teamwork is not needed in the congregation anytime two or more people must work together and depend on one another.
True or False
One key attitude in team building is making ministry results “apart of the team.”
True or False
Problem solving can become a creative instead of a frustrating experience if a good method is used.
True or False
Formal decision-making meetings are not intimidating for the inexperienced or uncertain chairperson.
True or False
Every church has a staff. Ninety-nine percent of church staffers nationwide are volunteers.
True or False
Delegation offers two positive opportunities to church managers. First, delegation allows ministers to multiply their ministries by involving others. Second, delegation lets others learn by doing. When is delegation called for?
True or False
Every church has members who are abrasive to the larger congregation. They aren't emotionally unbalanced; they're just relationally out of step with the mainstream of the church.
True or False
Aggressive controllers include hostile persons, cliques, and noncommunicating “crazy makers.” Passive controllers count in their numbers apathetic persons, lonely people, and traditionalists.
True or False
Extra meetings must be avoided.
True or False
Not all meetings are the same. Basically, the structure of a meeting should match its purpose.
True or False
Every church has a staff. Ninety-nine percent of church staffers nationwide are not volunteers.
According to John 14: 6–17, Jesus described individual responsibility as the essence of the following _______ and ________.
True or False
Simply put, the church is on the brink of becoming more like the New Testament image of the body of Christ and the Old Testament image of the people of God.
What are the three types of financial Structures most Institutions are members?
What type of Financial Structure does Churches usually belong?