Created by katy_mcbride12
almost 12 years ago
If price is not expressed, reasonable price
Computer software is goods if on disk but downloaded is not
Satisfactory quality does not need to be expert examination
Quality and fitness covers packaging and instructions
Goods can be safe but instructions can make dangers
Exclusion of liability – it is absolute despite impossibility to know of contamination
‘Description’ is not what a product can do
A buyer can reintroduce time stipulations with reasonable notice and rescind at the end
Goods perish if unmarketable
Goods in transit last until destination
Right of resale (3 conditions)
Didn’t look at goods till Argentina. Held accepted
Buyer is not obligated to accept offer from seller of goods of alternative make
Damages for defective goods can include inconvenience and stress
S75 applies to credit cards either in UK or abroad