1. All asteroids are found between Mars and Jupiter
2. Comets are balls of fire flying through space
3. If you put all the asteroids together and made one planet from then, the new planet would be smaller than Earth’s moon.
4. Ceres, the largest asteroid, is also the brightest one.
5. Shooting stars are really stars falling out of the sky.
6. Comets are essentially dirty, snowy mud-balls in space.
7. Comets are believed to come from a huge cloud of comets a thousand times more distant than Pluto called the Oort Cloud.
8. If a meteor hits the Earth’s surface, we change its name to a meteorite.
No asteroids are visible to the naked eye.
10. Comets have two tails.
11. A comet’s tail always drags behind the comet .
12. A comet’s tail always points away from the Sun.
13. Flying a spaceship through the asteroid belt is very dangerous.
14. A comet gets smaller each time it goes around the Sun.
15. Most meteors are rocks smaller than pebbles or sand.
16. Meteors showers are pieces of disintegrated comets.
18. Bolides are what we call large meteors
19. Asteroids that cross Earth’s orbit are called Apollo asteroids.
Some scientists think the extinction of the dinosaurs may have been caused by the collision of a Trojan Asteroid with Earth.