Created by yuvalgalshohet
almost 11 years ago
Why were Prussia and Austria rivals in the early 19th century?
For what two reasons was Austria weakened in the mid-19th century?
Why was Prussia strengthened in the mid-19th century?
Who was Otto Von Bismarck?
What were Bismarck's primary aims?
How and why did Bismarck build up the Prussian army?
What measures did Bismarck take to weaken Austria?
What was the 7-week war?
How did Bismarck isolate France before 1870?
What triggered the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71?
What were the consequences of the Franco-Prussian war?
What did the unification consist of?
who was Otto Von Bismarck?
Discuss Otto Von Bismarck's role as 'Iron Chancellor'
How did Kulturkampf play a role in Bismarckian Germany?
What were Bismarck's welfare policies?
How did losing Wilhelm I (William I) from power lead to the abandonment of Bismarck?