_______ gives variety.
___________ give stability.
DNA are long thread-like molecules coiled into genes.
Chromosome are essentially DNA molecules.
Genes are specific region of DNA located linearly on specific chromosomes.
How many kinds of chromosomes do diploid cells contain?
one (n)
two (2n)
How many kinds of chromosomes do haploid cells contain?
Do most organisms have diploid cells or haploid cells?
is the natural division of cell into cells. It is the division of the .
The process when an cell pinches itself in half during the process of cytokinesis is called .
In cell division of cells, a cell will build a wall between two current walls by of cells, forming a plate that enlarges.
The two types of nuclear division are and .
Nuclear division occurs before cytokinesis.
In the process of , one nucleus divides into two.
Mitosis has ONE duplication and ONE division.
If the parent cell has 16 chromosomes and goes through the process of MITOSIS, how many daughter cells will it produce, and with how many chromosomes?
2 daughter cells, 16 chromosomes each
2 daughter cells, 8 chromosomes each
4 daughter cells, 8 chromosomes each
4 daughter cells, 16 chromosomes each
makes two nuclei from one nucleus and the two new nuclei contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent.
Essentially, when mitosis ends, the organism is dead.
The functionality of mitosis is:
Make more identical cells
The growth of multicellular organisms
asexual reproduction for unicellular organisms
None of the above
Meiosis is a specialized type of nuclear division that only occurs at certain times in certain organisms.
Meiosis has duplication and divisions.
If a parent cell has 16 chromosomes and goes through the process of meiosis, how many daughter cells will it produce and with how many chromosomes each?
Meiosis does not end after Division II.
The functionality of meiosis is
take diploid nuclei, convert to haploid cells
sexual reproduction; producing gametes and spores
asexual reproduction
In most organisms, meiosis does not produce gametes or spores
Evolution is the of biology.
Who first proposed the idea of gradualism in a geological sense?
Lamark proposed a mechanism for how life and things change throughout time: the idea of USE AND DISUSE; that body parts used most evolve to become bigger and stronger.
, a geologist, proposed the idea that gradualism is still happening at the same rate. He studied geological records and published "Principles of Geology."
Darwin thought that Lyell's gradualistic ideas could apply biologically too.
Darwin's 3 observations of nature include:
Unity of Life
Diversity of Life
Match between organisms & their environment; descent with modification
Darwinism (the theory of evolution) consists of these major components:
perpetual change (always changing)
Common descent (living things have unified history, life comes from life)
Multiplication of Species (a single ancestral population can split to produce 2 or more populations, becoming different from each other)**
Gradualism (populations of organisms accumulate small changes over long periods of time)
Natural Selection (mechanism that explains how organisms appear to be designed to meet the demands of their environments "adaptation"
none of the above
selection is the process through which humans modify species over many generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits.
Darwin's 4 postulates are:
differences - individuals within a population differ from one another
inheritance - the differences are passed down from parent to offspring
some individuals are more successful at surviving and reproducing than others
the successful individuals are not merely luck, but succeed because of the variant traits they have inherited and will pass onto their offspring
perpetual change
multiplication of species
Individuals with favorable traits will, on average, survive better than those with unfavorable traits; known as differential survival.
Individuals with more favorable traits will usually produce more offspring; known as differential reproduction.
is an inherited characteristic of an organism that enhances their survival and reproduction in specific environments. A trait that increases an organism's fitness relative to individuals lacking it is called ; the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation via .
Natural selection is the only process that can naturally create adaptation.
Natural selection operates on , selected for/against (more fit, less fit). (not an all or none process)
When faced with a changing environment, what options does a population have?
adapt (via ns)
move/disperse (if there is somewhere to go
go extinct, die
Natural selection can only act on existing variations
Evolution is limited by historical constraints.
Adaptations are often compromises
Chance, natural selection, and the environment all interact.
Which concept distinguishes a species using distinctive external features?
Which concept says a group of population whose member have the potential to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring among their species?
Which concept views a species based on its ecological niche? (niche=sum of species using biotic and abiotic resources in its environment)
Which concept focuses on the smallest group of individuals on a phylogenetic tree? Phylogenetic defines a species as the smallest group of individuals that share a common ancestor (e.g. morphology, molecular sequences)