about 8 years ago
A few minutes before eight.
A reason for concern
A summary of the situation.
A thunder of applause.
A waste of time.
A week from now.
Abandon oneself to despair.
Abandon something to somebody.
Abashed at an event.
Abide by a promise.
Able to do something.
About to do something.
Absent from school.
Absence from school.
Absolve somebody from blame.
Absorbed by the cloth.
Absorbed by the words of somebody.
Absorbed in one's work.
Absorbed in the study of history.
Abstain from wine.
Abundance of trout.
Abuse one´s health.
Accede to a request.
Accede to the thone.
Accept an invitation to dinner.
Accept something from somebody.
Access a place.
Accession to the throne.
Accommodante somebody with lodgings.
Accompanied at the piano by.
Accompanied by someone.
Account for something.
According to.
Account to somebody for something.
Accurate in what one does.
Accuse somebody of something.
Accuse somebody of stealing.
Accustom oneself to doing something.
Accustom oneself to hard work.
Acquaint oneself with something.
Acquaint somebody with something.
To have acquaintance with something.
To be acquainted with something.
Acquit oneself of a responsibility.
Acquit somebody of blame.
Act for somebody.
Act on impulse.
Act on something.
Act under orders.
Act upon somebody's advice.
Adapt oneself to circumstances.
Adapted for use in schools.
Adapted from the Spanish.
Adapted to the needs of somebody.
Accustomed to doing something.
Accustomed to hard work.
Add one thing to another.
Add to the mixture.
Addition: In addition to the work they do.
Address a letter to somebody.
Address oneself to somebody.
Adhere to something.
Adjacent to the park.
Adjudicate a prize to somebody.
Admiration for somebody.
Admire somebody for something.
Admission of guilt.
Admission to a place.
Admit somebody into a place.
Admit somebody to a school.
Adopted by somebody.
Adorned with sequins.
Advance to somewhere.
Advanced in years.
Advantage: To take advantage of something
Advantage over something.
Advertise for something in the newspaper.
Advise somebody of something.
Advise somebody on something.
Advise somebody to do something.
Affected by (a sad thing)
Affection for an old friend.
Afflicted: To be afflicted at the news.
Afflicted: To be afflicted by a sad thing.
Afflicted: To be afflicted with deafness.
Afraid: To be afraid for somebody.
Afraid: To be afraid of somebody.
Afraid: To be afraid of something.
After the meeting.
After work.
Agree on doing something.
Agree on something.
Agree on the terms.
Agree to a plan.
Agree to a proposal.
Agree to do something.
Agree up to a point.
Agree with somebody/someone.
Agreeable: To be agreeable to the proposal.
Agreeable to do what you suggest.
Agreement: To be in agreement on a piont.
Ahead of schedule.
Aid: In the aid of somebody.
Aim at something.
Aim to do something.
Alarmed at/by an noise.
Alight from a vehicle.
Alight on a branch.
Alternate with something.
All except one.
All in all.
All in good time.
Allergic to something.
Allow someone to do something.
Allude to something.
Ally oneself with somebody.
Amazed at the facts.
Ambassador for Spain.
Amount to
An average of two years.
Angry about something.
Angry at what somebody does.
Angry with somebody.
Annnounce something to somebody.
Annoyed about/at a thing.
Annoyed at/with somebody.
Answer: In answer to your letter.
Answer a letter.
Answer for somebody.
Answer for something.
Answer to a description.
Answer to somebody for something.
Answer to the name of Tim.
Answer without hesitation.
Anxious: To be anxious for success.
Anxious about somebody.
Apologize for rudeness.
Apologize for something.
Apologize to somebody/someone.
Appeal against a decision.
Appeal for justice.
Appeal to the court.
Applicable to everyone.
Apply for a job.
Apply for something.
Apply one thing to another.
Apply to somebody for something.
Appoint somebody to a post.
Approach the house.
Appropriate for/to all ages.
Approve of something.
Argue about something.
Argue for something.
Argue with somebody.
Arise from the depths.
Armed with a sword.
Arrange for something.
Arrange to meet someone.
Arrival at a place.
Arrival from a place.
Arrival in a country.
Arrive at a decision.
Arrive at the office.
Arrive at the station.
Arrive from London.
Arrive home.
Advocate: Advocate something
Advocate: Advocate of something.
Advocate: Advocate for something/someone.
Arrive in good time.
Arrive in Madrid.
Ashamed of somebody.
Ashamed of something.
Ask a favour of somebody.
Ask about somebody.
Ask abut something.
Ask after somebody.
Ask for somebody.
Ask for someone's help.
Ask for something.
Ask somebody/someone for something.
Ask somebody/somone to do something.
Ask someone about something.
Aspire to fame.
Assent to a proposal.
Assist somebody in doing something.
Assure somebody of something.
Astonished at his reaction.
Astonished by the news.
Attack somebody.
Attach a label to a trunk.
Attach importance to something.
Attend a ceremony.
Attend a meeting.
Attend on somebody.
Attend school.
Attend to one's business.
Attend to what somebody says.
Attentive to their needs.
Attribute something to somebody.
Authorise somebody to do something.
Authority for doing something.
Authority on a subject.
Authority over a person.
Authority to do something.
Aversion to spiders.
Award a prize to somebody.
Aware: To be aware of something.
Away on a business trip.
Away on a trip.