Created by Kyla S
about 8 years ago
Lymph is a fluid found in lymphatic vessels that is similar in composition to ______ and ______.
What are two characteristics of antigens?
What is an example of artificially acquired active immunity?
What is an example of an artificially acquired passive immunity?
T lymphocytes mature in the thymus, while B lymphocytes mature in the ______ ______ ______.
Blockage of a lymphatic vessel will likely cause ______.
Within the tissues, which substances are filtered out of the plasma due to blood pressure within tissues?
Any large molecule capable of producing an immune response is a(n) ______.
A form of endocytosis in which a cell surrounds a foreign particle with pseudopods and engulfs is called ______.
How do antibodies neutralize antigens?
The disease AIDS is an acronym that stands for ______ ______ ______ syndrome.
On any antibody molecule, where is the antigen-binding site?
A ______ migrates into the tissues where it transforms into a macrophage.
What is the function of the macropahges found in the spleen?
What is the function of the variable region on an antibody molecule?
Indicate three characteristics of immunoglobulins called IgG.
List three characteristics of cytokines.