Created by Toby Zheng
about 8 years ago
What is Diegetic sound?
What is Non Diegetic sound?
What is Meta Diegetic sound?
What are Voiced (Vocalized) sounds?
What are Unvoiced sounds?
What are Formants?
What are Phonemes?
What is the most important element of storytelling?
What is Spotting?
What is Room Tone?
What is M.O.S. (Mitt Out Sound)?
What are the 4 steps for dialogue editing procedure?
What are Production FX (PFX)?
What does ADR stand for?
What is ADR ('looping') primarily used for?
What is Walla?
What is 3-Beep and the typical technical setup?
What is Foley?
What are Specifics?
What are Backgrounds (BGs)?
What is Worldizing?
What is a Partial?
What are Harmonic Partials (Harmonics)?
What is a Harmonic Series?
What is a Noise Waveform?
What is an Octave?
What is the difference between Source Music and Musical Score?
What does Source Music help to establish / reinforce?
What are 2 categories of Source Music?
What are the 3 different Source Music licensings?
What are 3 basic functions Musical Score performs?
What is a Closed Score?
What is an Open Score?
What are Atmospheres (what do they do)?
List and explain the 3 categories of Atmospheres
What are the 2 forms of optical sound recording (done prior to 1950's)?
What is Imaging?
What kind of harmonic partials are square and triangle waves made of?
What is a Noise Waveform?
What kind of harmonic partials are sawtooth waves made of?
What is Pink Noise?
What is White Noise?
What is the Associative Power of Sound?
What is Common to Humanity (Levels of Association)?
What are Culturally Specific (Levels of Association)?
What are Historically Specific (Levels of Association)?
What is Common to Production?
What is Emotional Encoding?
What is a Field Recording?
What are Wild Lines?
What are Wild Sounds?
In what situations would you contact the 1st/2nd Assistant (Points of Contact)?
In what situations would you contact the Project Manager (Points of Contact)?
What are the 3 ways to do DFN (Day for Night)?
What are Daily Script 'Sides'?
What is the Abbey Singer shot?
What is the Martini shot?
What are the Aspect Ratios for Standard TV (SD Broadcast) and Widescreen (HD)?
What is Blocking?
What is a Double System?
Why use Sync Tone?
What is (Industry Standard) Sync Tone?
What are names based on when cataloguing SFX?
When describing Unique Qualities, what are some sonic characteristics that should be kept in mind (when naming SFX)?
What are some basic guidelines (though they change from job to job) for naming SFX?