Zachariah Atteberry
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


Zachariah Atteberry
Created by Zachariah Atteberry about 8 years ago

Disease Test

Question 1 of 50


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( Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi Type B, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is also known as bloody scours and can be seen in two forms


Question 2 of 50


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( Entertoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) causes hemorrhagic enteritis in neonates due to abundance of milk.


Question 3 of 50


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( Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is AKA: Overeating disease that can cause convulsions and death


Question 4 of 50


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Change in feed allows organisms to overpopulate and produce toxins with ( enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue )


Question 5 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is also called black disease.


Question 6 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Big head, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is a clostridia issue that causes swelling of the head, face, and neck.


Question 7 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Big head, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) causes head butting that will result in lacerations and bruising.


Question 8 of 50


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Spores ingested from soil - bacteria toxins damage tissue. Febrile, resp. distress, anorexia, death. Control flukes. TX with tetracyclines. This is seen with ( Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue )


Question 9 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Convulsions and death are a result of ( Tetanus, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type C, Big head, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) which can occur secondary to tail docking of castration


Question 10 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Rigidity and death can be seen with ( Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) which can also be transmitted to humans


Question 11 of 50


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Contagious ecthyma is also known as ( South mouth, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue )


Question 12 of 50


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( Goat pox, Brucellosis, Listeriosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue, Caseous lymphadenitis, Sore mouth, Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C ) Is a virus that enters through break in skin and causes scabs/blisters on lips, nose, udders, teats. Is contagious to humans.


Question 13 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is also called "Orf" which can return or activate yearly in susceptible animals.


Question 14 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Sore mouth, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is a pox virus in which the vaccine is given by scratching the skin surface and applying it.


Question 15 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Do not vaccinate for ( Sore mouth, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) unless the virus is present or you will introduce it!


Question 16 of 50


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( Caseous lymphadenitis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is caused by corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and is spread via direct contact or equipment


Question 17 of 50


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Abscesses in the lymph nodes and internal organs that can cause weight loss, fever, anemia, and anorexia can be seen with ( Caseous lymphadenitis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ). The vaccine for this disease is controversial and it is zoonotic.


Question 18 of 50


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( Listeriosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is normally in soil and GI tract - moldy silage or soil in silage. Abortions, anorexia, depression. Transmits to humans.


Question 19 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Goat pox, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) Is a staph infection on udder due to dirty bedding


Question 20 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Brucellosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) can cause abortion storms and diarrhea


Question 21 of 50


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( Brucellosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) can cause rare abortions - and can cause epididymitis in rams. Mastitis might also be observed.


Question 22 of 50


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( Brucellosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) has no treatment - herd slaughter. Serum test prior to adding to flock - vaccination not often done. Malta fever in humans.


Question 23 of 50


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( Chlamydophilosis, Blue tongue, Vibriosis, Scrapie, Brucellosis, Goat pox, Listeriosis, Caseous lymphadenitis, Sore mouth, Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C ) causes enzootic abortion in ewes - is a common cause of abortion which is spread by uterine discharge, fetus, and placenta.


Question 24 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Chlamydophilosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is diagnosed with ELISA Tests - also called chlamydia psittaci


Question 25 of 50


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Symptoms of ( Scrapie, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) includes: wool or hair loss, ataxis, starting, tremors, seizures.


Question 26 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

One way to diagnose ( Scrapie, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is to have a lymph node sent to a specialized lab for immunostaining. No treatment but flock slaughter.


Question 27 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Vibriosis, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Tetanus, Big head, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Blue tongue ) is the most common cause of abortion.


Question 28 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Blue tongue, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis ) is an orbivirus


Question 29 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Lambs can be born with hydranecephaly if they are infected with ( Blue tongue, Vibriosis, Scrapie, Chlamydophilosis, Brucellosis, Goat pox, Listeriosis, Caseous lymphadenitis, Sore mouth, Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D )


Question 30 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Vaccination for ( Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is not practical due to the # of strains that there is.


Question 31 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

Insect control and viral isolation of blood / aborted tissue is a good safety measure for ( Blue tongue, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis ).


Question 32 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is also known as pulpy kidney


Question 33 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Scrapie, Enterotoxemia type C, Enterotoxemia type D, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Vibriosis, Blue tongue ) is also called transmissible spongiform encephalopathy - spread via prions.


Question 34 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

The susceptibility is based on genetics when it comes to ( Blue tongue, Vibriosis, Scrapie, Chlamydophilosis, Brucellosis, Goat pox, Listeriosis, Caseous lymphadenitis, Sore mouth, Tetanus, Big head, Clostridium novyi type B, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C )


Question 35 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

( Blue tongue, Enterotoxemia type D, Enterotoxemia type C, Clostridium novyi type B, Big head, Tetanus, Sore mouth, Caseous lymphadenitis, Listeriosis, Goat pox, Brucellosis, Chlamydophilosis, Scrapie, Vibriosis ) is transmitted by a gnat (midge) - cattle are reservoirs and abortions are seasonal with the gnat lifecycle. Ewes may have oral ulcerations and may be febrile.


Question 36 of 50


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( Liver flukes, Tapeworms, Lung worms, Haemonchus contortus, Coccidiosis ) cause weight loss and bottle jaw, sometimes also can make the pet look unthrifty.


Question 37 of 50


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( Lung worms, Coccidiosis, Liver fluke, Tapeworms, Haemonchus contortus ) can cause persistent coughing in later summer and autumn


Question 38 of 50


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Pneumonia is common sequelae with ( Lung worms, Coccidiosis, Liver fluke, Haemonchus contortus, Tapeworms )


Question 39 of 50


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Barber pole worm is part of the ( Haemonchus contortus, Tapeworms, Liver fluke, Coccidiosis, Lung worms ) is family


Question 40 of 50


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Red stomach worm is part of the ( Haemonchus contortus, Tapeworms, Liver fluke, Coccidiosis, Lung worms ) family


Question 41 of 50


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( Haemonchus controtus, Coccidiosis, Liver fluke, Tapeworms, Lung worms ) is a major issue in goat meat industry which slows weight gain. May also see anemia, diarrhea, dehydration.


Question 42 of 50


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( Tapeworms, Coccidiosis, Liver fluke, Lung worms, Haemonchus contortus ) are not clinically significant


Question 43 of 50


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Prevention of ( haemonchus controtus, Coccidiosis, Liver flukes, Tapeworms, Lung worms ) is to have grazing plants more than 6 inches


Question 44 of 50


Vaginal prolapse more common in?

Select one of the following:

  • Sheep

  • Goats


Question 45 of 50


Uterine prolapse more common in?

Select one of the following:

  • Sheep

  • Goats


Question 46 of 50


Select from the dropdown list to complete the text.

You may notice diarrhea, loss of condition, and failure to growth with ( Coccidiosis, Liver fluke, Tapeworms, Lung worms, Haemonchus contortus )


Question 47 of 50


You are most likely to see lungworms in?

Select one of the following:

  • Goats

  • Sheep


Question 48 of 50


Which prolapse is seen equally in both species?

Select one of the following:

  • Uterine

  • Rectal

  • Vaginal


Question 49 of 50


Overeating disease is most commonly seen in?

Select one of the following:

  • Sheeps

  • Goats


Question 50 of 50


Which can be "struck" in adults with no signs?

Select one of the following:

  • Enteroxemia type C

  • Enterotoxemia type D

  • Clostridium novyi type B

  • Big head disease
