Created by Tracy Nguyen
over 8 years ago
Acute Response
Factors that determine the Acute
Response to Exercise
Respiratory acute response
Ventilation= TV X RR
nb: Tidal Volume Plateau's
at submit (aerobic)
acute response
- Increase A-Vo2 Difference- difference in oxygen concentration in the parties compared to the veins. It is a direct
representation of what is occurring in the muscles !!
- Decrease Blood Volume
(evaporation, soup on stove.)
-Increase Arterial blood flow
Why is Glycogen our
preferred fuel over fats?
Oxygen Deficit
Remember: Ventilation, respiratory rate, tidal volume, Cardiac output, stroke volum, heart rate, vasodilation of blood to muscle and A-VO2 all increase to meet the demands of exercise aerobically
Steady State and how do we know it gets reached
EPOC/Oxygen Debt
Please not EPOC
Reduce EPOC
What occurs when you complete 5 x 100 m sprints with 30 sec recovery?
Discuss 2 likely reasons why the 5th sprint is almost 30% slower than the first sprint
HOT weather
However: this means that less blood will reach to the working muscle and hence the body will not be able to work at the intensity. This process pr mechanism is called THERMOREGULATION. If you do not consume water then you can DEHYDRATE
Active recovery
A Altitude your VO2 Max would be lower due to less oxygen available.
Practical example is that an athlete may reach Level 14 in the Beep test at Sea level and the same athlete Only reach level 6 inArizona ( which is 3,000 m above sea level-which is at ALTITUDE) due to less oxygen available !!
A- Vo2 Difference
What occurs when you go above
LIP? Why does the graph inflect?
H+ Ions effect
ATP is a chemical compound that is used for muscle contraction
when ATP splits energy is released for movement
ATP-PC SYSTEM (Phosphagen system)
Fatiguing bi-products:
Example of an event:
Finite Capacity:
Anaerobic Glycolysis System
Rate of ATP Resynthesis
Intensity of Excerise
Anaerobic Glycolysis system: Duration/capacity:
Fatiguing bi-products:
Aerobic Systems
Fatiguing bi-products:
Sporting E.g:
Major reasons for fatigue
What is lactate Infection Point
Exercise ABOVE LIP is associated
Can your LIP be improved?
Measurement of VO2 Max
Absolute VO2 Max
Relative VO2 MAX