able
about
above
accept
accident
accompany
action
actor
actually
add
address
adjective
adverb
advertisement
afraid
Africa
after
afternoon
afterwards
again
against
agree
air
airplane
airport
all
allergy
allow
almost
alone
already
alright
also
always
America
and
angry
animal
annoy
another
answer
Antartica
antibiotic
anyone
anything
anytime
apartment
appear
appetizers
apple
appointment
approach
approximately
April
are
arm
arrive
art
Asia
ask
assist
at
attend
August
aunt
avenue
back
backpack
badly
bag
bank
bar
basket
bathe
bathroom
batteries
be
beach
bean
beard
because
become
bed
bedroom
beef
beer
before
begin
beginner
behind
believe
below
belt
beside
bet
better
between
big
bill
bird
birthday
bite
blanket
blind
blood
blouse
boat
body
book
borrow
boss
both
bottle
bowl
box
boyfriend
bracelet
brain
bread
break
breakfast
breathe
bridge
bring
broke
broken
brush
bucket
buddhist
build
building
burn
bus
busy
but
butter
buy
by
cabbage
cafe
cake
calculator
call
came
can
cancel
cancer
candle
candy
capital
card
care
careful
carefully
carpet
carry
cash
catch
center
centimeters
cents
certainly
chair
chance
change
channel
Characters
cheap
check
cheese
chicken
child
children
choose
Christmas
church
circle
city
class
clean
climb
clock
close
closed
clothes
cloudy
club
coat
coffee
cold
college
color
comb
come
comfort
comfortable
common
company
complain
complete
complicated
computer
confirm
confused
congratulations
consider
container
continent
convenient
cook
copy
cord
corn
correct
cost
cotton
couch
cough
could
count
country
course
cover
cow
co-worker
crash
create
crowd
cry
cup
custom
customer
cut
dad
dance
dangerous
dark
date
daughter
day
dead
December
decide
deep
definitely
degree
deliver
dentist
deodorant
dessert
develop
did
dinner
dirty
disappoint
discount
disturb
divide
do
done
door
down
downstairs
downtown
drag
draw
dream
dress
drink
drive
drunk
dry
dryer
during