Ashley French
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz to study for History test

Ashley French
Created by Ashley French almost 8 years ago

Test 1

Question 1 of 30


Which one of the following best describes the difference between North American slavery in the North and in the South.

Select one of the following:

  • Slavery laws in the North were less restrictive than in the south

  • Slavery was highly agricultural in the north and urban labor in the south

  • Slavery was more prevalent in the north and indentured servants provided the south with more labor

  • In the South African Slaves had more rights than the white indentured servants in the north.


Question 2 of 30


This was a series of paths that crisscrossed the Atlantic Ocean for purpose of transporting goods between Africa, Europe, and the Americas

Select one of the following:

  • The Middle Passage

  • The Northwest Passage

  • The Silk Road

  • The Triangular Trade route


Question 3 of 30


The United States acquired most of its slaves by what means?

Select one of the following:

  • The middle passage brought most of the African slaves to the US

  • Most slaves in the US were home grown through natural reproduction

  • Slavery in the US came mostly from Spanish colonies in the South

  • Slavery in the US came with the European colonists as they built settlements in the North


Question 4 of 30


Slave communities on plantations often

Select one of the following:

  • Retained cultural elements such as housing, child naming, and language.

  • Gave up all of their African ways of life to better survive white culture

  • Embraces and adored their new ways of "white life"

  • Only maintained a small amounts of their native languages


Question 5 of 30


Who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence?

Select one of the following:

  • George Washington

  • John Adams

  • James Madison

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Benjamin Franklin


Question 6 of 30


Paine published Common Sense in 1776 trying to convince colonists of what?

Select one of the following:

  • That control by the Crown could be used as a compromise to help build America

  • That colonists should reconcile with Britain

  • That democracy was inferior to aristocracy

  • That America would become haven for liberty


Question 7 of 30


Which of the following statements describes the Stamp Act

Select one of the following:

  • Direct tax on all printed goods

  • A tax that was highly opposed by the colonists

  • First time taxes were used to raise revenue in North America

  • All of the above

  • None of the above


Question 8 of 30


What was the purpose of the Tea Act?

Select one of the following:

  • To provide tea to the colonists at fair prices

  • To cut down on smuggling in the colonies

  • To pay for the 7 years war debt

  • None of the above

  • To support the almost bankrupt East India Company


Question 9 of 30


The First Continental congress was created in response to which of the following?

Select one of the following:

  • The Tea Act

  • The Coercive Act

  • The Stamp Act

  • The Townshend Act


Question 10 of 30


The Coercive Acts did which of the following to the English colonies

Select one of the following:

  • Closed the port of Boston

  • Reorganized provincial charters

  • Provided for the housing of troops

  • All of the above

  • None of the above


Question 11 of 30


As a form of civil disobedience, John Dickinson wrote which of the following manuscripts to urge colonist to unite during their struggles

Select one of the following:

  • Letters from a Farmer in Massachusetts

  • Letters from a Slave in Massachusetts

  • Letters from a Slave in Pennsylvania

  • Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania


Question 12 of 30


Which of the following were the advanced tribe of the Yucatan region of Mexico

Select one of the following:

  • Mayans

  • Aztecs

  • Incans

  • Iroquois


Question 13 of 30


What country encouraged and funded the exploration of Christopher Columbus

Select one of the following:

  • Italy

  • Portugal

  • France

  • Spain


Question 14 of 30


Most Native tribes found sacred spirits in

Select one of the following:

  • Animals

  • Trees

  • Water

  • Explorers

  • None of the above

  • All of the above


Question 15 of 30


Governors that established rule in the Americans were called?

Select one of the following:

  • Kings

  • Encomiendas

  • Czars

  • Viceroys


Question 16 of 30


Archaeological evidence suggests that Native Americans were descendants of Asains which who arrived during the ice age by crossing the

Select one of the following:

  • Atlantic Ocean

  • Glacial Land bridge

  • Mississipi Rives

  • Continent of Africa


Question 17 of 30


Which of the following tribes were known for their sacred mounds

Select one of the following:

  • Pueblos

  • Iroquois

  • Hopi

  • Creek


Question 18 of 30


Which of the following best describes native governments

Select one of the following:

  • Primitive and unorganized

  • Anarchical and without rule

  • Organized hiearchy of leaders and laws

  • Natives had no government until European colonization

  • None of the above


Question 19 of 30


Which of the following conquistadors led devastating expeditions against the Incans and Aztecs

Select one of the following:

  • Cortez and Pizzaro

  • De Leon and Las Casas

  • Onate and Hudson

  • Columbus and Soto


Question 20 of 30


French colonization focused mostly around the idea of finding

Select one of the following:

  • Africa and enslaving their people

  • Reaching the Northwest Passage to the Pacific and gold

  • New settlements to practice religious freedom

  • America and Conquering it


Question 21 of 30


Who sailed into the New York Harbor and claimed the area for the Dutch?

Select one of the following:

  • Ponce De Leon

  • Samuel De Champlain

  • Henry Hudson

  • Bartolome De Las Casas


Question 22 of 30


Indian tribes of the Americans did all of the following except

Select one of the following:

  • Build roads

  • Had massive trade networks

  • Built irrigation systems

  • Explored and colonized other continent

  • Developed large communal societies


Question 23 of 30


Ferdinand Magellen lead a large expedition to

Select one of the following:

  • Circumnavigate the world

  • Find the northwest passage

  • Conquer the Americas

  • Find a shorter route to India


Question 24 of 30


What was the location of the first permanent European settlement in the present-day United States?

Select one of the following:

  • Jamestown

  • Plymouth

  • MAssachusetts

  • Rhode Island

  • Connecticut


Question 25 of 30


What was the name of the tribe that the settlers of Jamestown came in contact with?

Select one of the following:

  • Pequots

  • Powwows

  • Potawatomie

  • Powhatans


Question 26 of 30


Which of the following terms describes a radical and conservative group of Protestants that demanded purification of the Anglican Church?

Select one of the following:

  • Puritans

  • Quakers

  • Catholics

  • Lutherans


Question 27 of 30


Anne Hutchinson was put on trial for

Select one of the following:

  • acts of sedition against the church

  • worshipping a false god

  • adultery

  • treason against England


Question 28 of 30


Cecilius Calvert wanted to establish a refuge for

Select one of the following:

  • puritan settlement

  • poor English exiles

  • protestants

  • persecuted Catholics

  • none of the above


Question 29 of 30


Which of the following statements best describes predestination

Select one of the following:

  • a governing by moral liberty

  • seeking truth by reading the bible

  • Calvinsism guided teachings

  • determination of those who will be saved


Question 30 of 30


Which of the following descriptions best describes life in Massachusetts Bay area?

Select one of the following:

  • healthier climate, equal balance of men and women, more families

  • illness, famine, and lack of government

  • tabacco cash crop, slavery, catholic domination
