What are the main advantages of FIX protocol
Open Source, Free, Vendor Independent, scalable
Open Source, Financial standard, Platform independent, agnostic to transport layer
Created by Lamoureux and Morstatt and Owned by FIX Protocol Limited (FPL
All of the Above
What is the version of FIX that has report capabilities to meet regulatory requirements?
FIX 4.2
FIX 4.4
FIX 5.0
What is the open source version of a FIX engine?
What is a FIX dictionary?
Define and explains the objective of each FIX tag
Identifies all the required tags for a trade
Translates FIX messages to other languages
FIX dictionary does not exit
Can you obtain a list of instruments traded using FIX?
No. FIX only send orders.
No. Instruments are defined by TEXT files outside of FIX session.
Yes. It is native to the protocol.
Depends. The Trade venue has to support a instrument definition.
Is Tag order important in a FIX message?
Yes. BeginString, BodyLength and MsgType have to be in this order.
Yes. Start of Message and Repeating groups should always be in the same order.
No. Orders can have any order
Yes. Tags should be always in the same order.
Where does the business information is carried on the FIX message?
Start of Message
Repeating Groups
What is start of header?
A Value
A Tag
A delimiter
A fix message composed of a series of tag=value