Created by Aimee Balch
about 8 years ago
List possible reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy
What is the medical terminology and definition of a miscarriage?
Define a spontaneous miscarraige
Define a threatened miscarriage
Define an incomplete miscarriage
Define an inevitable miscarriage
define a missed miscarriage
define a septic miscarriage
A blighted ovum or Anembryonic is when...
Subchorionic haemorrhage...
What are the two different management's of a miscarriage
Describe expectant management in relation to a miscarriage and what factors need to be considered
describe the options available medical management
What is an ectopic pregnancy and what are some of the risk factors?
What is a possible complication of a tubal ectopic pregnancy?
Define Diabetes Melitus
Name the 3 classifications of Diabetes