A court of original general appellate( original, general, appellate ) jurisdiction has the authority to hear a case when it is first brought to court
trial courts limited special personal( limited, special, personal ) jurisdiction are sometimes referred to generally as "inferior trial courts" or simply as "lower courts"
the prosecutor is the most powerful actor in the administration of justice
about what precent of all convictions in felony cases are the result of guilty pleas?
the rules of discovery writ of habeas corpus plea bargaining process( rules of discovery, writ of habeas corpus, plea bargaining process ) mandate(s) that a prosecutor provide defense counsel with any exculpatory evidence in the prosecutor's process
the role of the defense lawyer is to provide the best possible legal counsel and advocacy within the legal and ethical limits of the profession
which of the following is usually a monetary deposited with the court that is supposed to ensure the suspect will appear later stage in the criminal justice process?
plea bargaining
pay it forward
which of the following is simply a release secured by suspects written promise to appear in court?
conditional release
release on own recognizance
from biblical times through the 18th century, retribution incapacitation deterrence rehab( retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehab ) was the dominant justification for punishment
restoration is an effort to do something for the victims and their survivors to return them as much as possible to their previous state and to make them whole again
generally, a pre sentence investigation report (PSI) is prepared by a probation officer defendant prosecutor( probation officer, defendant, prosecutor )
truth in sentencing laws require offenders to serve a substantial portion of their prison sentence usually 85% 65% 50%( 85%, 65%, 50% ) of it
Nearly 80% 60% 40%( 80%, 60%, 40% ) of state trial court decisions are affirmed on appeal
reductions in sentences for death row inmates which are granted by a state's governor are called?
appellate reviews
habeas corpus
capital punishment is the ultimate means of incapacitation
judges almost always impose the sentence agreed upon during plea negotiations because if they don't, plea bargaining would not work
death penalty support among the American public remains relatively strong
what was the closes European forerunner of modern us prisons?
Men's prisons are often distinguished from one another by?
security level
era built
lockup is a very short term holding facility
jail classification facility minimum security prison( jail, classification facility, minimum security prison ) is a facility that holds convicted offenders for short periods of up to one year
long-term incarceration is modern version of banishment
majority of federal inmates in 2010 were serving time for drug offenses
an inmates custody level indicates the degree of precaution that needs to be taken when working with that inmate
the US has a dual single triple( dual, single, triple ) court system
Authority of a court to hear or act on a case from the beginning
original jurisdiction
appellate jurisdiction
secondary juridiction
lawful authority of a court to hear an appeal from a lower court?
secondary jurisdiction
state trial courts maintain records on charges, pleas, findings, and sentences charges, bail, verdict pleas and reward charges, bail, reward, sentences( charges, pleas, findings, and sentences, charges, bail, verdict, pleas and reward, charges, bail, reward, sentences )
appellant appellee apeller( appellant, appellee, apeller ) is the side initiating the appeal
appelle appellant appeller( appelle, appellant, appeller ) is the side opposed to the appeal
the federal judiciary act of 1789 set up a 4 tier model for the court system
which section of article III said that there is one supreme court and such inferior courts as the congress from time to time ordain and establish ?
section 1
section 2
section 3
what section of article III said that federal courts are to have jurisdiction over case arising under the constitution, federal law, and treaties. Federal courts are to settle dispute between states and to have jurisdiction in cases where one of the parties is a state?
in a plea, nolo contendere - no contest - is treated the same as not guilty?
supreme court ruled that new evidence to show innocence is not sufficient enough reason to order a state court grant a new trial?
miranda vs. arizona
herrera vs. collins
gideon vs. wainwright
writ of certiorari is when the supreme court orders a lower court to send up the court record
the supreme court case that allows the right to counsel for the indigent at trial?
the 8th amendment protects against?
cruel and unusual punishment
searches and seizure
right to counsel
public and speedy trial
the 5 types of punishments used in the US are?
intermediate punishment
water boarding
if an offender stays out of trouble, makes restitution, or seeks medical treatment, then a judge can combine punishments or suspend a punishment
aggravating circumstances mitigating circumstances( aggravating circumstances, mitigating circumstances ) are elements that hurt the defense. Mitigating circumstances aggravating circumstances( Mitigating circumstances, aggravating circumstances ) are elements that help the defense.
indeterminate sentence determinate sentence( indeterminate sentence, determinate sentence ) has a fixed minimum and maximum term of incarceration, rather than a set period. determinate sentence indeterminate sentence( determinate sentence, indeterminate sentence ) has a fixed period of incarceration, which eliminates the decision-making responsibility of parole boards.