Created by yolajoy
almost 11 years ago
What are the three parts of the hindbrain?
what three structures make up the dencephalon?
Which structure is responsible for the production of melatonin?
Which cells produce cerebrospinal fluid?
Name the 5 types of glial cells
what was previously believed to be necessary for cognition?
how was it proved that the neocortex was not necessary for cognition?
name the 3 division of the autonomic nervous system
which division of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for "rest and digest"?
what do oligodendrocytes/Schwann cells do?
why is the Goldman equation used instead of the Nernst equation to calculate the membrane potential of a neuron
in what situation would you use the Nernst equation rather than the Goldman equation when looking at membrane potentials?
what is the relative membrane permeability for K+ ?
what is the relative permeability for Na+ ?
what is the relative permeability for Cl- ?
what is the resting potential of a mammalian neuron?
what is the net movement of Na+ and K+ during the formation of the resting potential?