Toby Adlam
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Key Stage 3 DT (Year 8 - Michaelmas ) Quiz on Year 8 D.T, created by Toby Adlam on 17/11/2016.

Toby Adlam
Created by Toby Adlam about 8 years ago

Year 8 D.T

Question 1 of 5


What are the advantages of the large pinion?

Select one of the following:

  • Can climb over hills and obstacles the best

  • Slowest pinion of the three


Question 2 of 5


What is an advantage of the medium pinion?

Select one of the following:

  • Can climb over hills/obstacles and is decent in speed

  • It is terrible at everything


Question 3 of 5


The small pinion is the slowest

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 4 of 5


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

When the switch reverses the motor it is ( connecting, disconnecting ) (giving power) to the crossed over wires. As this is the ( opposite, same ) way round to the forward motor this will ( reverse, break ) the motor and make the vechicle go backwards. If you did not cross over the two wires and connected them normally, the vehicle will go ( forward, backward ) as this is the same as the forward wires. If you have the crossed over wires and then give them power they will turn the motor ( backwards, forward ) making the pinion turn backwards making the wheels turn backwards making the vehicle to go backwards.


Question 5 of 5


Fill the blank spaces to complete the text.

One test that we could carry out is a test to see

Another test that we could carry out is a test to see

A final test that we could carry out is a test to see
