Created by Adnan igdeli
about 8 years ago
what is weather
what is climate
what is atmospheric preasure
what is humidity
what does weather include
what is precipitation
how do you tell the difference between high pressure and low preasure
What factors affect temperature and rainfall
how does the earths tilt affect temperature
how do ocean currents influence tempurture
what is latitude
what is altitude
list the forms of precipitation
what is frontal rain fall
how do prevailing winds effect temperature and rainfall
how does the distance from the sea effect temperature and rainfall
how do mountain barriers effect temperature and rainfall
How does altitude effect tempurture
what are prevailing winds
what is an aspect
what are the 3 ways in which rain are formed
what is coalescence
what is the rain shadow effect
what is the orographic rainfall
what are the 3 broad zones of climatic difference across the world
what is the polar zone
what is the temperate zone
what is the equatorial zone
what does leeward mean
what is the convectional rainfall
What is condensation