Created by Vanessa Brooks
about 8 years ago
Religious Education
What is a Atheist?
What is a theist?
What is a agnostic?
Summarise the Design Argument
Summaries the First Cause Argument
What does numinous mean?
What does conversion mean?
What does miracle mean?
What does prayer mean?
What does Justice mean?
What does racism mean?
What does sexism mean?
What does prejudice mean?
What does discrimination mean?
What did Desmond Tutu fight for?
What did Martin Luther King fight for?
What did Mother Teresa do?
What are the effects of poverty?
What did the Christian Aid do?
north- south divide
human rights
what did Desmond Tutu do?
what did Mother Teresa do?
what did Martin Luther King do?
what was the life of the Prophet Muhammed
what is the Mihrab?
what is the Minaret?
what is the Minbar?
what is the prayer hall?
what is the dome for?
what is the women gallery?
what is the first pillar of Islam?
What id the second pillar of Islam?
What is the third pillar of Islam?
what is the forth pillar of Islam?
what is the fifth pillar of Islam?
what is a rite of passage?
how do Christians celebrate the rights of passage for birth?
how to christians celebrate the rite of passage for death?
how to Muslims celebrate the rites of passage for birth?
how to Muslims celebrate the rites of passage for death.