Created by Big Dave
about 8 years ago
3.4 Genetic information, variation and relationships
between organisms
3.4.1 DNA, genes and chromosomes
What is DNA like in prokaryotic cells?
What is a plasmid?
What is DNA like in eukaryotic cells?
What is a chromosome?
Where is DNA found in eukaryotic cells?
What is DNA like in mitochondria & chloroplasts? (eukaryotic cells)
What do genes code for?
Where are genes located?
What is a section of three DNA base pairs called?
What do sections of three DNA base pairs do?
What are the three traits of the genetic code?
What can be found between genes?
What is the name for a codon that does not code for a polypeptide?
What is the name for a codon that codes for a polypeptide?
3.4.2 DNA and protein synthesis
What is the genome?
What is the proteome?
What is the structure of messenger RNA (mRNA) like?
Diagram of an mRNA molecule
What is the structure of transfer RNA (tRNA) like?
Diagram of a tRNA molecule
What is transcription?
How does transcription differ in prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells?
What are the steps involved in transcription?
What is splicing?
What are the steps involved in splicing?
What is translation?
What are the three stages of translation?
What happens during the initiation phase of translation?
What happens during the elongation phase of translation?
hen does the termination phase of translation occur?
What happens during the termination phase of translation?
3.4.3 Genetic diversity can arise as a result of mutation or during meiosis
What is a mutation?
What is a gene mutation?
What is substitution of bases?
Diagram of base substitution
What is a nonsense mutation?
What is a mis-sense mutation?
What is a silent mutation?
What is Thalassemia?
What is a sickle-cell anaemia?
What is base deletion?
Base deletion diagram
What is Tay-Sachs disease?
What is a chromosome mutation?
What is a change in a whole set of chromosomes?
What is a change in the number of individual chromosomes?
What is Down's syndrome?
What is a mutagenic agent?
What is meiosis?
What happens during Meiosis I?
What is independent segregation?
What is crossing over and recombination?
What does Meiosis I look like?
What happens during Meiosis II?
What does Meiosis II look like?
How is the number of possible gamete variations in gametes calculated?
How is the number of possible varieties in zygotes calculated?
How does random fertilisation increase variation in offspring?
3.4.4 Genetic diversity and adaptation
What is genetic diversity?
How does genetic diversity affect natural selection?
What are the principles of natural selection in evolution?
What is directional selection?
Directional selection diagram
What is stabilising selection?
Stabilising selection diagram
What is the outcome of natural selection?
What are the types of adaptation?
What is an anatomical adaptation?
What is a physiological adaptation?
What is a behavioural adaptation?
3.4.5 Species and taxonomy
What is a species?
What is the role of courtship behaviour in ensuring successful mating?
What are the steps of the courtship process?
What is a phylogenetic classification system?
What is the binomial classification?
What does Linnaeus' classification look like?
How can species be classified?
3.4.6 Biodiversity within a community
What is biodiversity?
What is an ecosystem?
What is species richness?
What kinds of diversity are there?
How is species diversity measured?
How can humans affect the environment?
How can agriculture reduce biodiversity?
How can agricultural methods be improved to support biodiversity?
3.4.7 Investigating diversity
How can genetic diversity within or between species be observed?
How can quantitative data relating to variation within a species be gathered?
How has gene technology changed methods of investigating diversity?