What is the purpose of Dijkstra's algorithm (what problem does it solve)?
Dijkstra's finds the shortest path from an initial vertex to all of the other vertices.
none of the above
A common algorithm for finding the shortest path on a graph is ___.
A) Huffman's
B) Euler's
C) Djikstra's
D) Hamiltonian's
What is used to find the shortest path in a graph?
Dijkstra's Algorithm
How would you go about find the shortage path?
A.use the path that is not being used
B.you add up the path weights between the two points and which ever is smallest
C.find the longest path between to points
D.none of the above
Dijkstra's algorithm finds what kind of path between all vertices?
A. Longest Path
B. Shortest Path.
C. Tallest Path
D. None of the above
Which algorithim finds the shortest path between vertex 0 and all other verticies?
A) Primm's Algotrithim
B) Yoo's Algorithim
C) Fermi Algorithim
D) Dijkstra's Algorithim
What is used to find the shortest path of one node to all other nodes?
Djikstra's Algorithm
What aglorithm is used to find the shorest path between two nodes in a graph?
A. Depth First Search
B. Bubble Sort
C. Dijkstra's Algorithm
D. Prim's Algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path between a vertex and:
A. only one other node
B. two other nodes
C. all other nodes
D. n/a: Dijkstra's algorithm finds the smallest spanning tree.
What does Dijkstra's algorithm do?
A. it finds the longest path between vertex 0 and all other vertices
B. it finds the shortest path between vertex v and all other vertices
C. it finds the longest path between vertex v and all other vertices
D. it finds the shortest path between vertex 0 and all other vertices
When trying to find the shortest path and you have negative edges in the graph. You can still use Dijkstra’s algorithm?
Is the definition of Dijkstra's algorithm true or false?
Find the shortest path between vertex 0 and all other vertices
What are the two data structures that Dijkstra's Algorithm uses?
A) Two arrays
B) Two sets
C) A tree and a set
D) A set and an array