Created by alexlpeart
almost 12 years ago
What Did Schmidt (1975) suggest about the Schema
theorys application?
Is variable or constant practice better for error improvement and retention of skills? Shea & Kohl, (1991)
Give three factors which that influence the effect of variable learning.
Define blocked and random practice.
Define blocked and random practice.
Draw a graph to show the relationship between the number of practices and the absolute error.
Give the equation for power law of practice.
Participants were asked to make rapid arm movements to produce three patterns after either random or blocked practice. Draw a graph to show the number of training sessions against
reaction time + movement time.
Early in skill development we see _____ improvements while in later stages of development we see _____ improvements.
Explain, using Weinbergs (1994) study, how self set goals, experimenter set goals and try your best goals affect performance over a period of 5 sessions.
In terms of pre-practice what is modeling?
Draw a graph to show how having 0 seconds rest compares with 60 seconds rest on performance.
Which is the best type of practice, massed or distributed?