Created by Liam Musselbrook
over 8 years ago
What is the most common cell pathology of head and neck cancer?
Tumours of oropharynx: age, sex and aetiological factors
Presenting symptoms/signs of tumours of the oropharynx
Hypopharyngeal tumours: age, sex and aetiological factors
Presenting symptoms of hypopharyngeal tumours
Laryngeal cancer: age, sex and aetiological factors
Presenting symptoms of laryngeal cancer
Minor salivary glands
Major salivary glands
Non-salivary swellings
Causes of bilateral parotid swelling
Causes of unilateral parotid swelling
Sjögren's syndrome
Sjögren's syndrome: investigations
Sarcoidosis: parotid involvement
Benign salivary tumours: % of them which are benign
Types of benign salivary tumour
Pleomorphic adenomas
Warthin's Tumour (adenolymphoma)
Commonest types of malignant salivary tumours
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Acinic Cell tumours
What are the 'B symptoms' of lymphoma?
Complications of Partial Superficial Parotidectomy
Complications of Submandibular Gland Excision
Epidermoid cysts
Cystic hygromas
Branchial cleft cysts
Deep cervical abscesses
Thyroid swelling: what is a characteristic presentation?
Thyroglossal cyst
Pharyngeal pouch: what is it?
Presentation of pharyngeal pouch
What is significant about 'mirror image nuclei'?
Thyroid malignancy: papillary carcinoma
Thyroid malignancy: follicular carcinoma
Thyroid malignancy: anaplastic carcinoma
Thyroid maligancy: medullary carcinoma
Investigations for suspected salivary gland neoplasm