Created by Naomi Blaney
over 8 years ago
Proteins are made up of the chemical composition of Hydorgen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon.
Nitrogen is used for growth.
Essential amino acids cannot be made in the body.
We can only get them from food. Examples- Valine, lyceine, luecine, methonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, Proline, Cysteine.
Protein structure
Primary-order and sequence- draw basic chain with shapes give examples
Secondary-further linking-disulphide link and hydrogen bond. Give examples for protein this happens in.
Tertiary-further cross-links; 3D shape- 2 types fibrous and globular. Examples.
Structural-growth and repair
Physiologically active-produce hormones, enzymes, antibodies
Nutrients-essential amino acids; excess energy