Created by Andrew Street
about 8 years ago
Give a DDx fo RUQ P.
Bile contains c......, b..... p..... (from broken down Hb), and p..... If the concentrations vary, different stones may form.
What are the different types of stones that may form and some risk factors?
Describe the anatomical positions required for stones to cause acute cholecystitis, biliary obstruction, gallstone pancreatitis, and asymptomatic gallstones.
What are some complications of gallstones?
What is biliary colic?
S & Sx of biliary colic.
What is acute cholecystitis and what complications may it cause?
S & Sx of acute cholecystitis.
Describe the Ix used to confirm a Dx of gallstones.
Rx & Mx of acute cholecystitis.
What is ERC/P?
What is cholangitis, what are the S & Sx, & Rx?
Compare & contrast the S & Sx of RUQ P, fever/^WCC, & jaundice in biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, & cholangitis.