Name and describe the five main objects in the solar system (putting them in order of size)
How far is one light year?
Name and describe two ways to measure distances to stars
How are elements formed in stars?
Explain Redshift
How do scientists believe the Universe was formed and what evidence is there for this?
How do scientists believe the Sun and our solar system was formed and what evidence is there for this?
Outline the different possibilities for the future of the Universe
Give four reasons for erosion and name (and explain) the process that occurs when products of erosion are deposited
Outline the key ideas and evidence for Wegener's theory of continental drift
What is 'the spreading seafloor' and what can we learn from it?
Explain plate tectonics
What are the main stages if the rock cycle?
Describe the Earth's structure
What are S and P waves?
Write the equation for wave motion
What is an oscilloscope and what can it tell us?
Write the wave equation and explain the different components