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Denée Dawson
Mind Map by , created more than 1 year ago

Mind Map on Particle Theory of Matter, created by Denée Dawson on 01/05/2017.

Denée Dawson
Created by Denée Dawson about 8 years ago
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Particle Theory of Matter7-2-22: Demonstrate thedifference betweensaturated and unsaturatedsolutions7-2-18: Demonstrate differentmethods of separating thecomponents of both solutionsand mechanical mixtures7-2-11: Recognize that heatenergy is the most commonby product of energytransformations and describesome examples7-2-15: Classify a variety ofsubstances used in daily life aspure substances, solutions, ormechanical mixtures7-2-02: Evaluate differenttypes of thermometersusing the design process7-2-05: Explain what scientifictheories are and provide someexamples7-2-03: Demonstrate theeffects of heating andcooling on the volume ofsolids, liquids, and gassesand gives examples fromdaily life7-2-16: Identify solutes andsolvents in common solid,liquid, and gaseous solutions7-2-08: Demonstrate howheat can be transmittedthrough solids, liquids, andgasses7-2-06: Describe theparticle theory ofmatter and use it toexplain changes ofstate7-2-20: Experiment to determinefactors that affect solubility7-2-23: Discuss the potential harmfuleffects of some substances on theenvironment and identify methods toensure their safe use and disposal7-2-17: Describe solutionsby using the particletheory of matter7-2-21: Describe the concentration ofa solution in qualitative andquantitative terms and give examplesfrom daily life when the concentrationof a solution influences its usefulness7-2-12: Identify different forms ofenergy that can be transformedinto heat energy7-2-13: Differentiate betweenpure substances and mixturesby using the particle theory ofmatter7-2-14: Differentiate between thetwo types of mixtures, solutions, andmechanical mixtures7-2-09: Plan an experiment toidentify materials that are goodheat insulators and good heatconductors and describe someuses of these materials7-2-10: Use the design process toconstruct a prototype that controlsthe transfer of heat energy7-2-07: Differentiatebetween the conceptof temperature andthe concept of heat7-2-04: Compare the boiling andmelting points of a variety ofsubstances and recognize thatboiling and melting points areproperties of pure substances7-2-19: Identify a separationtechnique used in industryand explain why it isappropriate7-2-01: Use appropriatevocabulary related to theirinvestigations of the particletheory of matterDouble click this nodeto edit the textClick and drag this buttonto create a new node