Who helped the weimar republic to recover in a number of ways between 1924 and 1929?
Why was it a difficult time for the Nazi party when the Weimar Republic were recovering?
What would this result in the German people thinking?
What was clear that the Nazis would have to do in order to gain popularity?
Between what years did the Nazi party make alterations in order to try and become more successful?
What was the Nazis first alteration- Tactic 1?
How long was Hitler sentenced for after his trial for his role in the Munich Putsch?
How many months after Hitler was put in prison was he released?
What did Hitler spend a lot of time thinking about whilst he was in prison?
Who did Hitler reveal his thoughts to while in prison?
How did Hitler's decisions on how to gain power change while he was in prison?
What was Hitlers second alteration- Tactic 2?
What did Hitler start doing as soon as he got out of prison?
Why did Hitler want to make the party more popular with the German people?
When and where did Hitler relaunch the Nazi Party?
What was this relaunch used as for the Nazi Party?
What was Hitler's third alteration- Tactic 3?
How did the Nazis attract support from the working class between 1924 and 1929?
What message did the Nazis find was supported by the working class?
Why did the working class support the anti-jewish message?
However what was the real reason for unemployment in Germany?
What did the Nazis doing after realising this anti-jewish message was popular with the working class?
What was the Nazis fourth alteration- Tactic 4?
When and why did the Nazis decide to change their tactics again?
Why was the working class not supporting the Nazi Party in large numbers?
What did the Nazis decide to do in result of this problem?
What example shows that the Nazis targeted their messages, propaganda and polices at farmers and middle class people?
What was the Nazis fifth alteration- Tactic 5?
What was Nazis solution in finding a way of spreading their message and ideas around Germany?
How would these public meetings work?
How did the Nazis show good tactics?
Who would the Nazis attack if they were talking to the working class?
Who would the Nazis attack if they were talking to the middle class?
Why did the Nazis attack the Communists when they were talking to the middle class?
Why did the middle class people hate the Communists?
Why were these years difficult for the Nazis?
How many seats did Nazis have in the Reichstag in 1924?
How many seats did the Nazis have in the Reichstag by 1929?
Why did it seem as if no one was interested in what the Nazis wanted?
What 4 ways did Hitler try to make the Nazis popular?
By how many members had the Nazi increased their membership to by 1929?
However what was still very low?
What was needed to happen for the Nazis to gain support?
If something dramatic did happen how were the Nazis in a strong position to take advantage?
What was a Dramatic change which happened in October 1929?
What did the wall street crash cause?
What were the effects in Germany from the Wall Street Crash?
Who suffered during the Great Depression in Germany?
How did Businessmen Suffer?
How/why did Young people suffer?
How/Why did Farmers suffer?
How/Why did Factory workers suffer?
How did the Great Depression weaken the Weimar Republic?
How did the effects of the Depression on different Groups in Germany weaken the Weimar Republic?
2. How did unpopular economic polices weak the Weimar Republic?
What leader of the Centre Party tried to get Germany out of the Depression?
But what was the problem?
What was one way for the Government to solve the problem of Depression
However why was the government afraid to use this method?
What did the government decide to do?
What did the government hope to save this way?
3. How did the Presidential Rule weaken the Weimar Republic?
Why did the polices of the Weimar Republic lead to a collapse in the Government?
What did this mean?
What did the Chancellor decide to do?
What did Article 48 give the president (Hindenburg) power to do?
However why did many people believe that Hindenburg (the president) was not a strong leader?
4. How did The Rise of Extremism weaken the Weimar Republic?
Why did this weaken the Weimar Republic?
What did the communist say in order to win over Germany?
Who did the Nazis blame in order to gain popularity?
What happened as more people in Germany voted for these parties?
How did the Great Depression help the Nazis win power?
What key points did the Nazis make in order to win power?
Why was it not definite that it would be the Nazis who would be voted into power by the people of Germany?
What proof is there that there were other parties more popular with the people of Germany?
The key message, therefore, is why did the Nazis become more popular than the Communists and the social Democrats as the Depression continued?
What were the factors which led the Nazis popularity?
What was the Nazis leadership like and how were they organised?
i. Organisation
What had many of the Nazis been in the First World War?
What did the Nazis bring to the Party?
ii. "Hitler the Superman"
What was Hitler continually shown as?
What skills did Hitler develop?
How did Hitler deliver his speeches?
How did the polices of the Nazis lead them to being more popular?
i. Flexible and vague polices
What was one example of the Nazis changing their polices?
What did the Nazis realise about campaigns?
Therefore what did the Nazis decide to do?
What were many Germans unsure about?
ii. Promises to voters
What were workers promised?
What were employers promised?
What were farmers promised?
What were shopkeepers promised?
iii. Support from the industry
Why did many businessmen start to support the Nazis?
How did the Nazis help pay for the Nazis propaganda and organisation?
How did the use of Nazi Propaganda help the Nazis to gain popularity?
i. Effective propaganda
How did the Nazis make the Communists unpopular?
Who was very happy to see the Communist threat being 'dealt with'?
ii. Use of Technology to aid Propaganda?
In 1932 how many election speeches did Hitler give in comparison to Hindenburg?
What propaganda was used to carry the Nazi message into every town and home in Germany?
How did the weaknesses of the opposition to the Nazis help them to gain popularity?
What were other parties continually doing?
Why did the Social Democrats feel quite confident?
What did the Nazis never have?
What did the Nazis take advantage of?
When did Hitler become Chancellor?