Created by Ethan Molloy
almost 8 years ago
Internal Migrant
Economic Migrant
What does the term 'global shift' mean?
What does global shift stem from?
Accompanying the movement is the 'exporting' or unethical economic economic practices that an early-industrialising nation like the UK abandoned long ago. These include...
Costs and Benefits for Emerging Asia
The country is a (blank) member of the worlds ( largest economy. Between (when) and (when), most large Asian economies sustained exceptionally strong annual growth rates in part due to global shift.
Economic, Social and Environmental Changes Associated with Globalisation
Poverty Reduction + Waged Work
Economic, Social and Environmental Changes Associated with Globalisation
Education and Training
Economic, Social and Environmental Changes Associated with Globalisation
Environment and Resource Pressure
Economic, Social and Environmental Changes Associated with Globalisation
Infrastructure, The built Environment and Unplanned Settlements
Global Outsourcing of Services to India
What is some of its recent economic success attributable to?
Why have US and UK businesses outsourced so much work to India, and the city of Bangalore in particular?
India's Call Centre Success Story
India's call centre success
The Benefits of the global shift in Mumbai, India.
The costs of global shift in Mumbai India
Global Outsourcing of Manufacturing to China
Global Outsourcing of Manufacturing to China
Between 2000 and 2010
Global Outsourcing of Manufacturing to China
Since 2010
China's 'workshop of the world'
China's 'workshop of the world'
Environmental Challenges for Communities in Developing Countries
Within many developing economies have experience what?
Environmental Challenges for Communities in Developing Countries
Why has weak environmental governance been attractive location factor?
Environmental and Health Impacts of TNCs in Developing Countries
Environmental and Health Impacts of TNCs in Developing Countries
Ivory Coast
Environmental and Health Impacts of TNCs in Developing Countries
Social and Environmental Problems for Deindustrialised Regions
Why has global shift created challenges for developing countries too?
Social and Environmental Problems for Deindustrialised Regions
What happened in 1970s that cause many factors to close?
What happened as inner city unemployment rose?
Particular changes of Deindustrialisation in Urban Areas in developed Countries
High un-employment
Particular changes of Deindustrialisation in Urban Areas in developed Countries
Particular changes of Deindustrialisation in Urban Areas in developed Countries
Particular changes of Deindustrialisation in Urban Areas in developed Countries
Deindustrialisation in Detroit, Michigan.