Created by Michael Demarmels
almost 8 years ago
What do we need uncertainty information for?
What uncertainty sources are there?
What sources of variability are there?
What techniques are used for uncertainty assessment?
What data is needed for a Boundary Analysis?
What's the procedure in a Boundary Analysis?
What's the procedure for a Monte Carlo uncertainty assessment?
What's the formula for the LCA-Calculation with a Monte Carlo Simulation?
What Probability Density Functions are available for the distribution of the input-parameters?
Which distribution is mostly used in LCA? Why?
Which tools are available for estimating the parameters of a log-normal distribution? When are they used?
What are the advantages of a Monte Carlo uncertainty assessment?
What sensitivity analyses are available?
Advantages and disadvantages of one-at-a-time sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis?
How is a comprehensive sensitivity analysis conducte?
How to conduct the uncertainty modelling?
Draw the conceptual model of an Input Output table!
Draw an example of an environmentally extended Import Output table!
What's the matrix with the emissions/ressource use etc. called? What other informations could it contain?
What's the application of an environmental extended Input Output table called? In comparison to this, what is the "classical" LCA called?
What are the main differences in the results of a pLCA and a IOLCA?
Which two perspectives can be applied for the the IOLCA on a national level?
How to do an IOLCA with a consumption perspective?
What's the name of one multiregional IO table?
Draw the structure of the EXIOBASE multiregional IO table?
What's the summary of the results from various international IOLCAs?
When do allocation problems occur?
How is allocation in multioutput processes done according to to ISO 14040/44?
Draw the basic outline for the allocation problem with 2 products with and without recycling
What's the distinction between an open-loop and a closed-loop allocation?
What types of sustainability do exist?
What types for recycling allocation do exist?
How does the End of Life (EOL)/Avoided burden allocation work?
What are the interpretations of the EOL/Avoided burden allocation?
Pros and Cons of EOL/Avoided burden?
How does the Recycled Content (RC)/Cut-off allocation work?
What are the interpretations of the RC/Cut-off allocation?
Pros/Cons of RC/Cut-off?
How does the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) allocation work?
(No formula)
How does the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) allocation work?
How does the EN15804 on Environmental Product Declarations work?
Why are env. decisions difficult?
What is a good decision?
What is the Goal of decision analysis?
What are the seven steps of the multi-criteria decision analysis?
What are the different approaches for life cycle inventory models?
When should the attributional approach be used?
When should the decisonal approach be used?
When should the consequential approach be used?
How to conduct a attributional allocation in a LCA? What would be a typical question?
How to conduct a consequential allocation in a LCA? What would be a typical question?
How are the supply and demand price elasticities defined?
What simplifications for price elasticities can be made?
Draw the typical structure of a LCA!
What are the typical LCI-categories?
What are the typical LCIA-categories?
What are typical damage categories?
What is a DALY?
How can ecosystem quality be assessed, resp. what is the name of the parameter used?
What tool is used to assess resource management?
How should the LCI of climate change be assessed? And how should the LCIA be assessed?
How are land used assessments conducted?
What are the differences between Risk assessment and LCA?
How is ecotoxicity assessed?
How are concentraion additions conducted? When is it performed?
What is the definition of a response addition? When is it performed?
What is Usetox?
Why regionalisation in LCA?
What is the classical computational structure of a LCA?
What is the computational structure of a spatial LCA?
Draw an example for the Geographic transform matrix G
Draw an example for the Inventory mapping matrix M
Draw an example for the characterisation matrix R
What are some applications of spatial LCAs?
What are the scientific requirements for a LCA?
What are some problems with cradle to gate data?
What are some problems with gate to gate data?
Why transparency?
What are some different levels of confidentiality?
What does a critical review has to check?
Is a critical reviews mandatory or optional?
Who does a LCA-review?
Where can the details on the review-process be found?
Challanges on external reviewers?
What's the motivation for studying indoor exposure?
What are the determinants of exposure and of health risks?
What are the four important factors for the final concentrations?
How can the emission rates be quantified?
How is the ventilation rate expressed and what are typical values?
What are the models for the concentrations?
Which concentration models for which situation?
How is the human toxicity potential defined?
How is the characterisation factor defined?
How is the intake factor defined?
How is the risk characterisation defined?
How is the risk quotient defined?
How is the consumer-risk differentiated?
What is the regulatory procedure for allowing a new pesticide?
What is meant by a tired approach?
How is the metabolism in a plant assessed?
What also has to be assessed when it comes to environmental concentrations?
What is optimisation?
What is the matrix-based LCI model?
When can a system be optimised?
Whats the key difference between standard LCA and LP-LCA?
How does the simplex-algorithm work?
What is a pareto-optimal solution?
Draw the fuzzy LP formulation
What are the main characteristics of LCA?
When does subjectivity occur?
Decisions related to goal and scope?
What is the rebound effect?
How is a subjectivity in the inventory analysis expressed?
What subjectivity exists in the impact assessment?
Ways to deal with subjectivity?
What are the dimensions to define/develop a sustainability strategy for an organisation?
Who can/should define which issues are relevant for a sustainability strategy of an organisation?
Reasons for an organisation to develop sustainability oriented management?
Show and explain the Deming-Circle?
What is a "process"? What elements are necessary to describe it?
List ISO-, and other standards for company sustainability and the issues that they cover!
Discuss Life Cycle Management thinking, e.g. for a house!
What is a stakeholder? Develop a stakeholder list for an organisation!
Draw the Environmental Management System (EMS)!
To what ISO-norm is the EMS belonging?
How can environmental data be used in a sustainability management or in an EMS?
How should targets be?
What should be considered when organising sustainability responsibilty in a company?
How is a MGMT system developed?
List some criteria which allow to identify relevant env. aspects of an organisation!
What is Life Cyle Costing? How can it be split?
What is the GRI reporting standard?
What is the Global Compact?
What is the problem of the GDP as a measure of wealth/well-being?
Pro and cons of environmental taxes?