JIPS (Joint IDP Profiling Service)
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Profiling Crash Course Profiling Quiz on Elements of a Methodology, created by JIPS (Joint IDP Profiling Service) on 07/02/2017.

JIPS (Joint IDP Profiling Service)
Created by JIPS (Joint IDP Profiling Service) about 8 years ago

Elements of a Methodology

Question 1 of 5


Setting defined objectives from the beginning_________________.

Select one of the following:

  • constrains the data collection process

  • leads to very long, political discussions that should be avoided

  • informs what data should be collected

  • is not very worthwhile because it might change


Question 2 of 5


Typically, what should be determined first in a profiling exercise?

Select one of the following:

  • Objectives

  • Geographic coverage

  • Units and levels of analysis

  • Information needs

  • Information sources


Question 3 of 5


Read the following and determine the units and levels of analysis in this situation:

We need to...1) Provide a disaggregated estimate of the IDP population living in settlements; 2) Identify internal displacement through analyzing household migration histories; 3) Analyze the current situation of different target populations: IDPs, returnees, economic migrants, host communities, and refugees; and 4) Understand the resilience of households, understood as the skills, capacities, special needs, and coping mechanisms of target populations that inform their decision-making for the future

Select one of the following:

  • 1 Unit and 1 Level

  • 5 Units and 1 Level

  • 5 Units and 4 Levels

  • 1 Unit and 5 Levels


Question 4 of 5


Match information needs with potential sources of information

Household economic information -
Baseline estimates of refugee population -
Capacity of services in a neighborhood -
Employment challenges of youth -
Enrollment rates of refugees in schools -

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    Head of Households
    Local or International agencies
    Key informants
    Focus Group Discussion
    Municipal authorities


Question 5 of 5


Match information needs with possible data collection methods

Existing Census Data -
The number of households -
Representative picture of household sources of income -
Validation of collected quantitative data -

Drag and drop to complete the text.

    Desk Review
    Sample-based household survey
    Focus Group Discussions
