Miruna Teodora
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Quiz on Test 1, created by Miruna Teodora on 07/02/2017.

Miruna Teodora
Created by Miruna Teodora over 7 years ago

Test 1

Question 1 of 8


Characteristics for the hierarchical structure:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A subordinate can be reached in many ways

  • A subordinate node can have only one superior

  • A node can have any number of subordinates and superiors

  • A subordinate node must have many superiors

  • A superior may have one or many subordinates


Question 2 of 8


In a table one can have:

Select one or more of the following:

  • A simple primary key

  • A composed primary key

  • A simple foreign key

  • A foreign primary key

  • A control key


Question 3 of 8


The conceptual schema is the result of:

Select one or more of the following:

  • The system study

  • The system analysis

  • The application requirements

  • The database structure's design

  • The database functions' design


Question 4 of 8


The clusters are useful for:

Select one or more of the following:

  • Optimizing the database

  • Requests

  • Updates

  • Data inserts

  • Documentary databases


Question 5 of 8


A components database system architecture includes:

Select one or more of the following:

  • data

  • database management system

  • application programs

  • legal and administrative regulations

  • hardware


Question 6 of 8


Having the table STUDENT ( name, year, group, no_stud_group, group_secretary, birth_date), what affirmation(s) is(are) not true:

Select one or more of the following:

  • The table is in 2NF

  • The table has a fully functionally dependence

  • The table has a non-transitive dependence

  • The table is normalized

  • The table has a composed primary key


Question 7 of 8


In the relational model:

Select one or more of the following:

  • There is the "record" notion

  • The attributes that have a role in making the links between tables are called composed keys

  • The links between tables are described in DML

  • There is the "table schema" notion

  • Projection, negation and existential are relational algebra operators


Question 8 of 8


Having the tables

PRODUCTS (product_id NUMBER(15) primary key, name VARCHAR2(25), price NUMBER (7, 2), release_date DATE),
ORDERS (order_id NUMBER(10) primary key, product_id NUMBER (15) REFERENCES products(product_id), quantity NUMBER(7,2), order_date DATE).

Select the orders that were made for the products that were released in 2000 (in two ways)

Select one or more of the following:

  • select o.order_id, p.name, p.release_date, o.quantity from products p, orders o where p.product_id = o.product_id and extract (year from p.release_date) = 2000;

  • select o.order_id, p.name, p.release_date, o.quantity from products p join orders o using(product_id) where to_char(p.release_date, 'DD.MM.YYYY') like '%2000';
