From At In( From, At, In ) Monday to at in( to, at, in ) Friday I work in on to( in, on, to ) a bookstore.
On In At( On, In, At ) Saturdays I have another job.
I'm a singer with at on( with, at, on ) a band.
I start work at on in( at, on, in ) 6.00.
I work until with in( until, with, in ) 10.00 at in on( at, in, on ) night.
I'm at on in( at, on, in ) home on at in( on, at, in ) Saturdays.
I stay late at on in( at, on, in ) work.
On At In( On, At, In ) Saturday evenings I sing in on to( in, on, to ) clubs.
I don't go to bed until in on( until, in, on ) 4 o'clock in at on( in, at, on ) the morning.