Steger defined globalisation as a 'Superficial Candyfloss Culture' which means that Globalisation has lead to the dumbing down of intelligence, creativity and critical thinking.
Marcuse claimed that globalisation leads to a lack of critical thinking. Marcuse claimed that this is the product of media audiences being encouraged by media companies to subscribe to three ways of thinking and behaviour. Which ONE of the following is NOT one of these ways.
Commodity Fetishism
Imperialist Consumption
False needs
Conspicuous consumption
Which one of these sociologists criticised the cultural imperialist argument, as they believe it makes the mistake of suggesting that the flow of culture is one way only?
Held et al.
Adorno and Marcuse
Cohen argued that the globalisation of communication has become so intensive and extensive that all consumers of the global media are citizens both of the world and of their locality.
Which of these are the effects of Americanisation?
Destroys local culture
Many people are leaving their own country and move away to the west
Rise in Islamic fundamentalism
Values refer to the beliefs and goals that members of societies agree are important.
Norms refer to how societies expect their members to behave in particular situations.
Which of these is the correct definition of 'False Consciousness'?
Refers to capitalist's power to impose power and influence.
Refers to people being stuck in working class societies.
Refers to peoples failure to look critically at the social world or their circumstances.
Held et al argued that the cultural capital imperialism argument makes the mistake of suggesting that the flow of culture is one way only.
Globalization has lead to an increase in High Culture
Imperialism refers to a country's ability to impose its power and influence on other countries, usually through military conquest.
Which ONE of these cultures refers to what the elite of a particular society regard as the highest intellectual achievements in areas such as art etc.
Folk Culture
Mass Culture
Popular culture
High Culture
Which of the following did Murthy (2013) investigate?
Investigated the impact of sites such as twitter had on political awareness.
Investigated how mobile phones have developed the media to globalize easier.
Investigated the impact of globalization has had on folk culture.
Cultural imperialists argue that the mass media have played a big role in the way societies have changed from being modern societies to being postmodern societies.
Americanization is the process of American culture being passed onto other nations and changing cultures. Eg removing folk culture.
Jenkins developed the concept of Global Participatory Culture
False Needs is the idea of wanting something you are unable to afford.
What did Hannerz mean by the term 'Coca-Colonisation'?
To describe how American culture products like Coca Cola were penetrating the cultures and consciousness of people in less developed countries in order to convince them that their wants can be fulfilled by American culture.
To describe the global impact companies such as Coca Cola has had on the working class and their economies.
Strinati argued that the media encourages the working class to buy capitalist products.
Bell observes that there has never been a form of global media with the power to report and disseminate events.