Created by afiq abdillah
almost 8 years ago
When did the agricultural evolution begin?
What caused an explosion in industrial output?
What was the enclosure system?
What happened to tenant farmers?
What was another important factor in promoting change in agriculture?
What was the seed drill and how did this change agriculture?
How did fertilizer affect agriculture?
What was superphosphate?
What was the threshing machine?
What were the swing riots and what was the reason for it?
How did authorities respond to the swing riots?
What provided the energy for Britain's homes for thousands of years?
What problem occurred in 1700s?
What was the advantage of coal?
Why was coal not widely used?
What was the problem with using horse powered pumps to drain water from?
What was the advantage of the steam engine in comparison to the horse powered pumps?
What was the advantage of using coal in Britain?
Why was Britain able to lead the world into the industrial age?
What was the age of reason?
What was another name for the age of reason?
What were some of the scientific discoveries made during this period?
What did society begin to question during the enlightenment?