This is a timed quiz.
You have 15 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this quiz.
Quran is the main miracle given to Prophet S.A.W? (True or False)
Despite the passage of time, thinking of people had remain the same. The falsehood people practiced in the past is the same falsehood that is being practiced today. (True or False)
To those people who have belief complete submission in ALLAH S.W.T , miracles are everywhere. They take a lesson from everything. (True or False)
When a person does not submit to the truth, what does this show?
That the person has arrogance
That the person is intelligent
If you have knowledge and still you are giving excuses to obey, then your actions resemble those of non knowledgeable ones. So one should act on what they learn. (True or False)
Nazeer : the one who conveys good news Basheer : the one who conveys warning. (True or False)
The root of Basheer is ب ش ر (True or False)
In the verse 119 ALLAH S.W.T is talking about the good news of Allah's mercy, help and Jannah. (True or False)
What is the warning the Prophet S.A.W conveyed in reference to t verse 119?
Warning of punishment against harmful consequences, hellfire
Warning against gambling and Alcohol
Jaheem is the fire that is very intense ie hellfire. (True or False)