What is cultural deprivation?
What is intellectual development?
What would stimulate a child's intellectual development?
What did Douglas find in his tests of ability?
Why did they do better?
What did Bernstein and Young find that the way mother's think about chossing a toy for their child?
What differences in language did Bernstein identify between middle class and working class?
What advatanges does this difference give the middle class?
What disadvantages does this have for the working class?
What did Douglas find about the values of working class parents and the effect it had on their children?
Accordint to cultural deprivation theorists, what is the main difference between the working class and the rest of society?
What does Hyman argue that the values and beliefs of the working class do to their children's success?
What four key features did Sugarman argue that the working calss had that act as a barrier to their educational achievement?
What do working class children do with those beliefs and values and how does it affect their achievement in school?
What is meant by 'compensatory education'?
What examples are there of this in America?
What examples are there in the UK?
Who describes cultural deprivation as a 'victim blaming explanation'?
What do Blackstone and Mortimore suggest about the interest of working class parents and their children's education?
What do some critics argue about compensatory education?
What is material deprivation?
What did Flaherty identify as the most important factor to the non attendence of younger children at school?
How does poor housing affect pupil's achievement directly?
How can it affect children's achievement indirectly?
What did Howard find that young people from poorer homes have?
What behavioural problems did Wilkinson find among 10 year olds?
What did Bull mean by 'the costs of free schooling'?
What effect would hand-me-downs and cheap, unfashionable equipment would have on children?
What did Tanner find that placed a heavy burden on poor families?
What factor did Mortimore and Whitty argue had a greater effect on achievement than school factors?
What was Bourdieu's concept?
What did Gerwirtz find about the differences in economic and cultural capital lead to differences in how parents choose a secondary school?