Wilhelmina Littel
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

Real Estate SC Real Estate Quiz on SC Real Estate Pre-Licensing Practice , created by Wilhelmina Littel on 11/03/2017.

Wilhelmina Littel
Created by Wilhelmina Littel over 7 years ago

SC Real Estate Pre-Licensing Practice

Question 1 of 80


Ownership of a property by only one person is known as

Select one of the following:

  • Entirety

  • Remainder interest

  • Reversionary interest

  • Severalty


Question 2 of 80


Jane Doe and Richard Roe, who are not married, want to buy a house together. In order to ensure that if one dies the other automatically becomes full owner, their deed must state that they are

Select one of the following:

  • Joint tenants with rights of survivorship

  • Tenants in common

  • Tenants in severalty

  • Tenants by the entirety


Question 3 of 80


Mary White and Elizabeth Brown, widowed sisters, are buying a home together. To ensure that if one dies her share will go to her children, they should purchase the property as

Select one of the following:

  • Tenants in severalty

  • Tenants by the entirety

  • Tenants in common

  • Joint tenants with right of survivorship


Question 4 of 80


An article of personal property that is permanently attached and becomes part of the real estate is known as

Select one of the following:

  • An emblement

  • An accretion

  • A chattel

  • A fixture


Question 5 of 80


All of the following are approaches that an appraiser may use to establish value EXCEPT

Select one of the following:

  • market comparison approach

  • cost approach

  • income approach

  • tax assessment approach


Question 6 of 80


In order to reach the lake, the Browns have a permanent right of way across their neighbor's lakefront property. The Browns own

Select one of the following:

  • An easement appurtenant

  • A license

  • A deed restriction

  • A lien


Question 7 of 80


Express covenants that protect the grantee are found in a

Select one of the following:

  • Quitclaim deed

  • Bargain and sale deed

  • Sheriff's deed

  • Warranty deed


Question 8 of 80


A subdivision has a deed restriction requiring houses to be at least 2,000 sq feet. The town, however, has no such restriction and gives the Smith-Joneses a building permit for a little bungalow in the subdivision. If the neighbors object, their best course of action would be to

Select one of the following:

  • attempt to negotiate with the building inspector's office

  • wait until a clear violation has occurred before taking any legal actions

  • request a change of the local zoning ordinance

  • ask a court to prevent the construction or to order that the bungalow be expanded


Question 9 of 80


Henkel is buying an abandoned church as an investment for future development. His appraiser will use which of the following appraisal approaches to arrive at the best determinant of value?

Select one of the following:

  • The income approach

  • The cost approach

  • The market approach

  • The assessment approach


Question 10 of 80


When Pete makes statements about the quality or condition of his property that a reasonable person would recognize as nonfactual or extravagant, Pete's actions

Select one of the following:

  • are in violation of deceptive trade practices and consumer protection acts

  • are considered "puffing" and are not considered illegal

  • are considered fraudulent and could cause license revocation

  • must be repudiated by his broker to preclude further action


Question 11 of 80


The difference between the market value of a property and the sum of the liens against it is called

Select one of the following:

  • Equity

  • Leverage

  • Cash asset

  • Pledge


Question 12 of 80


An acre contains approximately

Select one of the following:

  • 5,270 square yards

  • 40,000 square feet

  • one quarter square mile

  • 43,560 square feet


Question 13 of 80


Bill's house has four bedrooms and one bath. When he sells the house and the appraiser uses the cost approach to value, what kind of depreciation would the appraiser consider in establishing value?

Select one of the following:

  • Economic obsolescence

  • Functional obsolescence

  • Physical deterioration

  • External obsolescence


Question 14 of 80


A legal description that includes phrases such as "starting at the intersection of Smith and Baird roads and proceeding westerly 150 feet to a stream" is referred to as

Select one of the following:

  • Metes and bounds

  • Rectangular survey

  • Lot and block

  • Recorded plat


Question 15 of 80


Title insurance protects the owner or lender against unexpected claims arising from past

Select one of the following:

  • Forged documents

  • Zoning ordinances

  • Unpaid property taxes

  • Recorded easements


Question 16 of 80


An abstract of title contains

Select one of the following:

  • the summary of a title search

  • an attorney's opinion of title

  • a registrar's certificate of title

  • a quiet title lawsuit


Question 17 of 80


Michael Harrison refuses to sell his farm to the estate, which needs it to complete the route for a new highway. The state may go to court and ask that his farm be condemned, allowing the state to purchase the land using its right of

Select one of the following:

  • laches

  • adverse possession

  • easement by necessity

  • eminent domain


Question 18 of 80


With regard to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which of the following statements is true?

Select one of the following:

  • It is easily provable the EMFs cause cancer in residents of specific properties

  • All lawsuits against power companies for health problems have been found in favor of the plaintiff

  • It has been proven the EMFs cause brain cancer

  • The successful lawsuits involving EMFs have been for causing "stigma"


Question 19 of 80


Agency is the act of representing someone in the purchase, sale, or lease of a property. Subagency is the act of representing

Select one of the following:

  • a lending institution

  • a principal who is already represented by an agent

  • a department of the federal government

  • an anonymous purchaser


Question 20 of 80


Mary Jones is the listing agent for the Greens' property. She has been approached by Jack Smith to prepare an offer to purchase the property. Smith does not have his own buyer agent. Smith's relationship to Mary is that of a

Select one of the following:

  • client

  • customer

  • principal

  • subagent


Question 21 of 80


When describing the particulars of a property, the agent does not disclose that a capital improvement project has been approved that will result in a special assessment to the owner in the near future. The broker has

Select one of the following:

  • acted in accordance with the duties of a fiduciary

  • refrained from disclosing anything that would weaken the principal's bargaining position

  • failed to provide proper disclosure as required by law

  • prevented future legal problems for the seller client


Question 22 of 80


To be legally entitled to a commission related to a real estate transaction, the agent must be all of the following except

Select one of the following:

  • licensed

  • authorized to be involved in the marketing effort

  • the procuring cause of the transaction

  • under contract to either the buyer or seller


Question 23 of 80


A listing agent would be required to disclose all of the following except that

Select one of the following:

  • the sellers are facing bankruptcy if the house does not sell quickly

  • the listing agent is the seller's mother

  • the furnace has a cracked heat exchanger and is leaking carbon monoxide

  • the house was built before 1978 and may have lead-based paint


Question 24 of 80


A seller, anxious to sell, tells a cooperating agent that she will give the agent a riding lawnmower if he brings an acceptable offer by the end of the week. All of the following are true in this situation except

Select one of the following:

  • the agent may accept the lawnmower because it is not cash

  • the agent should report the incident to the listing broker

  • the agent would be in violation of the law if he took the lawnmower

  • the cooperating agent could legally receive the lawnmower from his broker


Question 25 of 80


A broker lists a property for sale. As time goes by, it is evident that the property is not very desirable. The broker and a partner observe that with a zoning variance and some modest remodeling, the character of the property could be changed to make it more valuable and salable. The partner purchases the property without revealing the plan to the seller or identifying his relationship with the broker. Which of the following is true of this transaction?

Select one of the following:

  • The broker has acted appropriately, since the property was ultimately sold.

  • The seller received all of the benefits of having an agent.

  • The business relationship between the broker and buyer should have been disclosed.

  • The buyer should have offered the seller the opportunity to participate in the venture.


Question 26 of 80


Within the agency agreement is a statement that binds the buyer to paying the broker's fee if, within a stated number of days following the expiration of the agreement, the buyer purchases a property that was shown to the buyer during the agency period. This clause is called the

Select one of the following:

  • broker protection clause

  • limited coverage clause

  • buyer liability clause

  • automatic extension clause


Question 27 of 80


Any qualified person wishing to obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of a home may obtain any of the following types of loans except a

Select one of the following:

  • conventional 15 year loan

  • FHA insured 30 year loan

  • VA guaranteed 30 year loan

  • reverse equity mortgage


Question 28 of 80


A farmers' market had been in operations continuously for 50 years at the intersection of Route 50 and 29. A new master plan, approved by local jurisdiction, placed that tract of land in a residential zone. In order to stay in business, the owner of the farmers' market should

Select one of the following:

  • apply for a new zoning category

  • modernize and expand the facility

  • raze and reconstruct a new market

  • keep the business going without modification


Question 29 of 80


A commercial property investment has a tax liability when the

Select one of the following:

  • income is exceeded by expenses

  • income exceeds depreciation and expenses

  • gross income exceeds debt service

  • income exceeds debt service and depreciation


Question 30 of 80


The Comprehensive Environmental Response Cleanup and Liability Act (CERCLA) establishes the potentially responsible parties who are liable for the cleanup of toxic contaminated sites. Which of the following would be considered a potentially responsible party?

Select one of the following:

  • The operator of the toxic waste site.

  • The current owner of the toxic waste site.

  • The previous owner of the toxic waste site.

  • All answers apply.


Question 31 of 80


The term commingling refers to

Select one of the following:

  • looking for real estate business at community social events

  • mixing funds held for other persons with one's own money

  • the same office acting as the buyer's broker and seller's broker for the same property

  • one office finding a buyer for another office's listing


Question 32 of 80


The Webers own three pieces of real estate: their house, a lakeside cottage, and a tract of woodland. Which of the following expenses may be deducted for all three properties on the Webers' income tax return?

Select one of the following:

  • mortgage interest

  • insurance premiums

  • property taxes

  • both mortgage interest and property taxes


Question 33 of 80


Minimum standards for materials and construction of buildings are set by

Select one of the following:

  • state law

  • federal law

  • building codes

  • zoning laws


Question 34 of 80


In most states, no property tax is levied on land belonging to

Select one of the following:

  • golf courses

  • senior citizen housing

  • churches

  • shopping malls


Question 35 of 80


When a real estate broker is involved, the Federal Fair Housing Laws are applicable in all of the following transactions except

Select one of the following:

  • leasing space in an office tower

  • leasing space in a residential condominium tower

  • leasing space in a residential cooperative tower building

  • renting one half of a residential duplex


Question 36 of 80


Maud is selling a house she bought in 1960. Which of the following should Maud be required to disclose?

Select one of the following:

  • mold only

  • mold, asbestos, and radon

  • asbestos and radon only

  • radon only


Question 37 of 80


Someone who feels discriminated against in the attempt to buy or lease a home could seek which of the following remedies?

Select one of the following:

  • File a written complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

  • File a complaint with the US Attorney General

  • File a court action directly in a US District Court or state or local court

  • All answers apply


Question 38 of 80


Zoning laws may be imposed by

Select one of the following:

  • large real estate developers

  • the federal government

  • cities and municipalities

  • any property owner


Question 39 of 80


Samantha Mulder goes to a bank and borrows money for the purchase of her first home, thereby becoming a

Select one of the following:

  • mortgagor

  • mortgagee

  • lienor

  • lienee


Question 40 of 80


A building permit may be issued without question even if the proposed structure violates existing

Select one of the following:

  • zoning laws

  • deed restrictions

  • building codes

  • setback requirements


Question 41 of 80


If a person dies leaving no will and no natural heirs, his or her property passes to

Select one of the following:

  • local charities

  • the state

  • the IRS

  • the Department of Housing and Urban Development


Question 42 of 80


The term APR stands for

Select one of the following:

  • annual percentage rate

  • appraisal procedure regulations

  • associate property reviewer

  • average purchase ratio


Question 43 of 80


Zoning laws

Select one of the following:

  • tell landowners the use to which they may put their land

  • compensate owners for loss of property value due to zoning

  • require government entities to take title to zoned properties

  • may not be grandfathered in the event of a nonconforming use


Question 44 of 80


Anna Jamison rents a small building for her boutique. In addition to rent, she also pays property taxes, utility bills, and insurance on the property. She must have a

Select one of the following:

  • net lease

  • percentage lease

  • variable lease

  • ground lease


Question 45 of 80


One example of a periodic estate is

Select one of the following:

  • a month to month tenancy

  • an estate at will

  • a net lease

  • a sublet


Question 46 of 80


Barry represents Sally, who is buying her first home. In his zeal to make the best deal for his client, Barry includes in the contract that Sally will have the right to cancel the contract if she cannot secure financing. Is this action permissible?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, because this is a business item, not a legal issue.

  • Yes, because Barry is a licensed broker, not a salesperson.

  • No, because this would be considered the unauthorized practice of law.

  • No, because Barry did not need to consult an attorney.


Question 47 of 80


Unique or special purpose buildings, like a church or a school, are best valued giving most weight to the

Select one of the following:

  • cost approach

  • sales comparison approach

  • income approach

  • gross rent multiplier


Question 48 of 80


Economic or external obsolescence refers to loss of value due to

Select one of the following:

  • wear and tear

  • outdated design

  • factors outside the property lines

  • incurable defects in the subject property


Question 49 of 80


The type of depreciation always classified as incurable is

Select one of the following:

  • economic or external obsolescence

  • physical deterioration

  • fictional depreciation

  • functional obsolescence


Question 50 of 80


Tom Jones asks Sarah Smith, a real estate salesperson, to help him set the right asking price for his home. Sarah's broker will help her prepare

Select one of the following:

  • a reconciliation of value

  • an assessment analysis

  • a competitive market analysis

  • a limited appraisal


Question 51 of 80


The seller has agreed to pay three points to the lending institution to help the buyers obtain a mortgage loan. The house was listed for $200,000 and is being sold for $180,000. The buyers will pay 10% in cash and borrow the rest. How much will the seller owe to the lender for points?

Select one of the following:

  • 1620

  • 4860

  • 5400

  • 6000


Question 52 of 80


An investor recently paid $500,000 for a building that yields about $65,000 in annual net operating income (NOI). The cap rate on the investment is around

Select one of the following:

  • 7.69%

  • 11.5%

  • 13%

  • 32.5%


Question 53 of 80


On January 1, Fred buys a small residential rental property for $300,000, with the land accounting for 20% of the value. The IRS allows him to depreciate the property investments over a period of 27.5 years. How much can Fred deduct as a charge for depreciation on this year's income tax return?

Select one of the following:

  • $6,000.00

  • $8,727.27

  • $10,909.09

  • $24,000.000


Question 54 of 80


After paying a 7% commission to his broker, a seller receives $103,000 from the sale of his house. How much did the house sell for?

Select one of the following:

  • $95,790

  • $110,000

  • $110,420

  • $110,753


Question 55 of 80


Bob and his former classmate in real estate school have the two largest real estate firms in Beeville County. At one of their frequent lunches, they conspire to set all their commission rates at higher than most of the other brokerage offices. This action would be a violation of

Select one of the following:

  • the Sherman Anti-Trust Act

  • the Federal Fair Housing Act

  • the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

  • none of the above. There would be no legal consequences for a simple business arrangement.


Question 56 of 80


Property on Main St in Lake Pleasant is selling for $250 per front foot. If Mary Akerman buys a lot that is 300 x 500, how much should it cost her?

Select one of the following:

  • $12,500

  • $15,000

  • $75,000

  • $125,000


Question 57 of 80


The Owens are buying a $100,000 house with 5% down and an FHA mortgage for the rest. They must pay an upfront MIP of 1.5%, in addition to other closing costs that total $1,000. How much money will they need at the closing?

Select one of the following:

  • $8,375

  • $7,425

  • $6,000

  • $2,425


Question 58 of 80


Richard gets a call from a prospective buyer for his listing. The caller does not want to be represented by a broker. Richard would owe the caller the duty of

Select one of the following:

  • loyalty

  • honesty

  • obedience

  • confidentiality


Question 59 of 80


How many acres are contained in a parcel 121 feet wide and 240 yards deep?

Select one of the following:

  • 1

  • 1.5

  • 2

  • 2.5


Question 60 of 80


Administration of which of the following would best be handled by a property manager?

Select one of the following:

  • a single-family home

  • a condominium unit

  • a townhouse

  • a shopping center


Question 61 of 80


If Betty's property is determined to be partially or totally a federal wetlands, what would possibly allow Betty to develop the site?

Select one of the following:

  • Using wetlands banking, she could contribute property elsewhere as a dedicated wetlands

  • She could fill in the wetlands area with soil from another source

  • She could contend that the property is grandfathered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service

  • Under no condition could she develop the property


Question 62 of 80


The buyer gives the owner a $5,000 payment and a written agreement stating that on July 1 of the following year, the buyer may purchase the property for $150,000 cash or the owner may keep the money. This transaction is known as

Select one of the following:

  • a lease with the option to purchase

  • a purchase contract with a delayed settlement

  • an option agreement

  • a limited partnership


Question 63 of 80


If a contract for real estate is vague in its basic terms, a court could hold that it is

Select one of the following:

  • binding on the offeror

  • unenforceable

  • valid against all parties

  • invalid until rewritten by an attorney


Question 64 of 80


A buyer makes the required number of monthly payments, and the owner conveys the property title to the buyer. This transaction is known as

Select one of the following:

  • a lease with an option to purchase

  • an installment sales contract

  • a sales agreement with a delayed settlement

  • a wraparound contract


Question 65 of 80


Kelly lists her house and tells her listing agent, Sheila, "I'm listing for $180,000, but I might take less." Sheila may properly

Select one of the following:

  • advertise the property for $180,000 or less

  • explain Kelly's position to prospective buyers in an effort to obtain an offer

  • share Kelly's statement only with the buyer's broker

  • keep the information to herself


Question 66 of 80


Ron will be in Tokyo for several months until he sells his house, and then he will move there to take a full time job. Ron lists his house with Charlie, giving her the exclusive right to sell as well as the duties of maintenance, bill paying, and making any decisions concerning the house. The agency created would be a

Select one of the following:

  • special agency

  • subagency

  • general agency

  • designated agency


Question 67 of 80


The best way for a broker acting as a dual agent to minimize his or her risk to

Select one of the following:

  • negotiate a win/win transaction from which each party walks away satisfied

  • obtain written acknowledgement from each party that it consents to the agent acting for both sides

  • obey each party's instructions even if they are in conflict

  • give notice to each party of any information useful in negotiation


Question 68 of 80


The typical relationship between broker and salesperson for tax purposes is known as

Select one of the following:

  • indentured servant

  • independent contractor

  • statutory agent

  • transaction facilitator


Question 69 of 80


The Hansons' home was listed with a broker, but they ended up locating a buyer at Mr. Hanson's place of employment and sold the property themselves. They were still obligated, however, to pay a brokerage fee. What kind of listing had they agreed to?

Select one of the following:

  • a net listing

  • an open listing

  • an exclusive right to sell

  • an exclusive agency


Question 70 of 80


The listing broker's commission is earned when

Select one of the following:

  • the property is listed

  • an offer has been accepted

  • financing has been arranged

  • the property is finally closed


Question 71 of 80


Which of the following statements is true of a land contract?

Select one of the following:

  • The buyer is given the right to possess

  • The seller has a lien on the title

  • The buyer has legal title to the property

  • The seller cannot provide any of the financing


Question 72 of 80


A deed is the instrument used to convey ownership of

Select one of the following:

  • personal property

  • short-term use of real estate

  • real property

  • crops and other produce


Question 73 of 80


A customer orders dinner in a restaurant. At the end of the meal, is the customer legally obligated to pay the check?

Select one of the following:

  • Yes, because by ordering, the customer entered into an implied contract to pay for the meal.

  • No, because strictly speaking, the customer did not promise to do so.

  • Yes, but only if the customer is over the age of 17.

  • Yes, because the customer is liable through the process of novation.


Question 74 of 80


The statue of frauds requires that

Select one of the following:

  • real estate brokers answer buyers' and sellers' questions honestly

  • the seller of real estate provide a written disclosure about the condition of the property

  • certain contracts, including those for the sale of real estate, must be in writing to be enforceable

  • a mortgage borrower has three days in which to cancel the loan


Question 75 of 80


Delta Dawn, a salesperson working for Betty, lists Sally's house with an exclusive right to sell listing agreement. Which of the following occurrences would not cause the termination of this agreement?

Select one of the following:

  • Delta's death

  • Sally's death

  • Mutual agreement

  • Destruction of Sally's property


Question 76 of 80


The duty of faithful performance, meaning that the agent is to obey all legal instructions given by the principal and to apply best efforts and diligence to carry out the objectives of the agency, is also known as they duty of

Select one of the following:

  • loyalty

  • confidentiality

  • obedience

  • reasonable care


Question 77 of 80


In May, the Kleins accepted an offer to sell their house to the Grosses. In July, the Grosses paid the purchase price and received a deed to the house and the keys. After July, their contract was considered

Select one of the following:

  • void

  • implied

  • liquidated

  • executed


Question 78 of 80


Repair or remodeling of a property generally adds to its value. In recognition of the role contractors and suppliers play in increasing the value of a property, in many states, they are assured payment for their goods and services by being able to file a

Select one of the following:

  • declaratory judgement against the owner

  • lis pendens against the title insurance company

  • mechanic's lien against the property

  • registration with the new owner


Question 79 of 80


When several real estate brokers are invited to list a property, with commission due only to the one who produces the first acceptance buyer, the owner is offering

Select one of the following:

  • an open listing

  • an exclusive right to sell

  • an exclusive agency

  • a multiple listing


Question 80 of 80


The earnest money accompanying a purchase offer

Select one of the following:

  • is generally 10 percent of the proposed purchase price

  • should be held in escrow by the seller

  • is mandated by state law

  • is not necessary to establish a valid contract
