Daniel Whiting
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

PSY246 - Cognitive Psychology Quiz on Week 2 - Attention and Research Methods, created by Daniel Whiting on 13/03/2017.

Daniel Whiting
Created by Daniel Whiting over 7 years ago

Week 2 - Attention and Research Methods

Question 1 of 10


In an experiment exploring the role of working memory in the ability to ignore auditory distractors, the experimenters split subjects into high working memory load, low working memory load and no load groups. It was found that it was found that subjects under high working memory load were more susceptible to distraction than those with low or no load.

How many levels of IV was there in this experiment?

Select one of the following:

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3


Question 2 of 10


In an experiment exploring the role of working memory in the ability to ignore auditory distractors, the experiments split subjects into high working memory load, low working memory load and no load. It was found that it was found that subjects under high working memory load were more susceptible to distraction than those with low or no load.

What was the dependant variable in this study?

Select one of the following:

  • Susceptibility to distraction

  • High working memory load

  • Low working memory load

  • No working memory load


Question 3 of 10


Select from the dropdown lists to complete the text.

( Spatial Resolution:, Temporal Resolution ) The accuracy at which we can measure where an event occurs in the brain.

( Temporal Resolution:, Spatial Resolution: ) The accuracy at which we can measure when an event occurs in the brain.


Question 4 of 10


The cocktail party phenomenon:

In dichotic listening tasks participants will not notice the repetition of the same word over and over again in the unattended ear but will notice if their name is mentioned.

What does this result tell us about our ability to notice unattended stimuli?

Select one of the following:

  • That the unattended stimuli is processed semantically to some point and not just its physical characteristics.

  • That unattended stimuli are limited to processing of physical properties only.

  • That unattended stimuli are filtered early on.


Question 5 of 10


The cocktail party phenomenon gives support best to which bottleneck model of attention?

Select one of the following:

  • Broadbents filter model.

  • Treismans attenuation model.


Question 6 of 10


In Johnston and Wilsons (1980) experiment,subjects are asked to respond yes/no if a target is in a certain category. An ambiguous target was paired with either a neutral, appropriate or inappropriate paring in the unattended ear, for example, organ could be matched with church (appropriate), paper (neutral) or kidney (inappropriate).

The resulting improved accuracy under the appropriate condition compared to the neutral and inappropriate conditions tells us what about the level of semantic processing in unattended stimuli and?

Select one of the following:

  • The information in the unattended ear is semantically processed to some degree and influences the judgement of the attended ear.

  • The information in the unattended ear is not processed semantically and so has no influence over the judgement of the attended ear.

  • Participants are able to consciously choose whether or not unattended information is processed semantically or not.

  • Unattended stimuli are filtered early on, as in broadbents filter model.


Question 7 of 10


What are some factors that determine how well we can perform two tasks at the same time?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Similarity of stimulus modality

  • Similarity of response modality

  • Automaticity

  • Working memory load

  • Intelligence

  • Attractiveness of the person


Question 8 of 10


What are some characteristics of automaticity?

Select one or more of the following:

  • Fast

  • Require a lot of attentional capacity

  • Unconscious

  • Flexible

  • Unavoidable


Question 9 of 10


In Shiffrin and Shneiders study, participants learned to do a task over many trials searching in a set area until the task become automatic. Participants were then told to respond to trials in a subsection of the same area but found it difficult to restrict their responding to the smaller area.

Which feature of automaticity does this result explain?

Select one of the following:

  • Unavoidability

  • Fast processing

  • Unconscious processing

  • Requiring little attentional capacity


Question 10 of 10


Instance theory describes automaticity as the result of memorised responses, hence requiring litle attentional capacity.

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False
