Created by ClareArmstrong
almost 12 years ago
The pillar that suggests giving 2.5% of one's
income each year to the
community of the poor, sick and aged
The 3rd Pillar
The pillar is a fixed form of prayer, facing in the direction of Mecca performed 5 times a day
The 2nd Pillar
The pillar that is the statement of faith "There is no god but
God, and Muhammed
is his prophet" by repeating it Muslims affirm their belief in one God and Muhammed as his prophet
The 1st Pillar
The requirement for a Muslim to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if possible
The 5th Pillar
The pillar that requires a period of fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan - the ninth month of the Muslim calendar (The month in which the Qu'ran was revealed to Muhammed)
The 4th Pillar