Created by otaku96
over 10 years ago
What is the order of the sympthomedullary pathway?
Which stress system deals with acute stressors?
What is the order of the pituitary-adrenal system?
What are the immediate effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on the circulatory system?
What hormone is directly responsible for raising glucose levels in the blood and why?
What are the long term effects of raised levels of corticosteroids?
What are the three stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome model of stress?
What happens in the Alarm stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome model?
What happens in the Resistance stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome model?
What happens in the Exhaustion stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome model?
Why is the General Adaptation Syndrome model of stress pretty rubbish?
Outline a study into stress and the immune system
Evaluate the study you just chose to outline.
What is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale?
Outline the Rahe et al. (1970) study that supports the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.
Evaluate the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.
Evaluate the Rahe et al. (1970) study supporting the Social Readjustment Rating Scale
Discuss research into daily hassles and uplifts.
What were the findings of the Whitehall 1 study?
What were the findings of the Whitehall 2 study?
What is the effort-reward imbalance?
What are the characteristics of a type A personality?
Outline research into the type A personality and stress.
What are the three "C"s of a hardy personality?
Outline research into the hardy personality and stress
Evaluate the concept of a hardy personality
How does Stress Inoculation Training work?
Evaluate Stress Inoculation Training.
How do benzodiazapines work?
Evaluate benzodiazapines.
How do beta blockers work?
Evaluate beta blockers.