June May
Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago


June May
Created by June May over 7 years ago

Atomic pollution and Climate Change

Question 1 of 61


Which factors contribute to sea level rise due to climate change?

Select one of the following:

  • Increased numbers of floods

  • Rapid melting of arctic ice

  • Thermal expansion and melting of land-bound ice

  • Slow sinking of the continents

  • Enhanced precipitation


Question 2 of 61


The green house gas effect can be explained by

Select one of the following:

  • Wavelength dependence of absorption of radiation by GHG

  • Ozone depletion in the stratosphere

  • The elliptic path of the earth around the sun

  • Enhanced reflection of long wave radiation by GHG

  • Enhanced concentration of dust and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere


Question 3 of 61


Because saturation vapour pressure depends on the surface on which it occurs

Select one of the following:

  • Lifting of air masses leads to condensation

  • Clouds grow rapidly when ice particles are introduced

  • Small drops grow at the cost of large drops

  • Mixing of warmer and colder air masses can lead to mixing fog


Question 4 of 61


Airborne radionuclide concentrations are especially relevant for

Select one of the following:

  • Infiltration and Submersion

  • Ingestion and Inhalation

  • Ingestion and Submersion

  • Inhalation and Submersion

  • Exposition and Ingestion


Question 5 of 61


Occult deposition is

Select one of the following:

  • An as yet undiscovered deposition

  • Deposition that is not yet fully understood

  • Deposition by fog, dew, etc.

  • Deposition pollutants attached to aerosols


Question 6 of 61


For the development of the ozone hole in the Antarctic the following are decisive:

Select one of the following:

  • High CFC concentrations and lack of solar radiation

  • High CFC concentrations and temperatures below zero

  • High CFC concentration and climate change

  • Temperatures below -80°C and little air mass exchange


Question 7 of 61


the double strategy in Austrian air pollution policy consists of

Select one of the following:

  • Limiting synergistic pollutants simultaneously

  • Requiring the pollutants and the affected to contribute to emission reductions

  • Increasing stack heights and emission standards

  • Limiting emission according to state-of-the-art-technology and to stay within air quality


Question 8 of 61


An end-of-pipe measure is e.g.:

Select one of the following:

  • Using more efficient technologies

  • Implementing an emission trading scheme

  • Filter flue gases

  • Technological improvements in the process

  • Desulfurization of oil


Question 9 of 61


Present day GHG emissions of the average Austrian are around

Select one of the following:

  • 50 t per year

  • 1 t per year

  • 100 t per year

  • Not quantifiable

  • 10 t per year


Question 10 of 61


Climate change does not involve

Select one of the following:

  • Changes in precipitation

  • Frequency of extreme events

  • More intense earthquakes

  • Melting of polare ice

  • Temperature change


Question 11 of 61


Which are not typical effects of mountain valleys or basins?

Select one of the following:

  • Inducing thermally driven circulations

  • Strong dispersion of pollutants

  • Development of cold air basins due to drainage flow

  • Inversions

  • Channelling flow


Question 12 of 61


Stratospheric ozone concentration

Select one of the following:

  • Is falling in midlatitudes in winter, constant in summer

  • Is falling worldwide

  • Is falling in equatorial regions in winter

  • Is falling in midlatitudes in winter and strongly falling over Antarctica


Question 13 of 61


In the climate debate tipping points are understood to describe

Select one of the following:

  • Points ate which the planet becomes uninhabitable

  • Points beyond which positive feedback mechanisms can no longer be contained by humans

  • Points of time in policy debate when decisive steps are taken

  • Geographical locations where decisive climate process


Question 14 of 61


Under clear sky conditions in summer ozone levels are especially high in Vienna

Select one of the following:

  • On weekdays

  • During traffic peaks

  • On Sundays and holidays

  • On Mondays

  • On Saturdays

  • In the early morning


Question 15 of 61


What is NOT true of radioactive decay

Select one of the following:

  • Is the only way to deplete radio nuclei

  • Disappears after 5 half-life times

  • Depends only on the radio nuclide

  • Is independent of external influences

  • Can vary over orders of magnitude


Question 16 of 61


Which of the following issues is not a mesoscale pollution problem

Select one of the following:

  • Fine particles (PM)

  • Tropospheric zone

  • Persistent organic compounds (POP)

  • Green house gases

  • Radio active substances


Question 17 of 61


The IPAT equation or Kaya Identity can be used to explain

Select one of the following:

  • The impact of population, air pollution and technology on environmental degradation

  • The impact of green house gas emission on climate

  • The extent to which ecological boundaries have been crossed

  • The impact of world population, affluence and technology on green house gas emission

  • The impact of lifestyles on environmental quality and tipping points


Question 18 of 61


What was the original definition of smog

Select one of the following:

  • A combination of smoke and fog

  • High concentration of photo chemicals

  • Cigarette smoke

  • High ozone concentrations


Question 19 of 61


Dispersion models typically consists of 3 modules:

Select one of the following:

  • Transport Module, Immission Module, Impact Module

  • Meteorology Module, Chemistry Module, Deposition Module

  • Emission Module, Transmission Module, Immission Module

  • Meteorology Module, Chemistry Module, Transport Module

  • Meteorology Module, Transport Module, Deposition Module


Question 20 of 61


Trajectories are an important part of which kind of dispersion models?

Select one of the following:

  • Gaussian models

  • Diffusion models

  • Langrangian models

  • Richardson models

  • Eulerian models


Question 21 of 61


Near the earths surface temperature increases with height

Select one of the following:

  • When wind speed increase with height

  • When wind speed is low and the radiation balances at the surface is negative

  • Because the distance from sun decrease

  • When atmospheric radiation exceeds terrestrial radiation

  • When warm air rises from heated surfaces

  • When an inversion break up


Question 22 of 61


Chronic damage caused by air pollution can be prevented

Select one of the following:

  • Standards expressed in high percentiles

  • Limiting maximum concentration

  • Short term standards, e.g.: hourly means

  • Long term standards, e.g.: yearly means


Question 23 of 61


In an idealised valley the following local circulations are to be expected in fair weather on the early afternoon

Select one of the following:

  • only valley wind

  • valley- and down slope wind

  • valley and up slope wind

  • only down slope wind

  • Mountain and down slope wind


Question 24 of 61


In order for a cloud to rain, cloud droplets must grow

Select one of the following:

  • through coagulation and coalescence with other droplets

  • through freezing and melting

  • and rech a size 100 times that a small cloud droplet

  • through transpiration and evaporation

  • through compression and density increase

  • through condensation and diffusion


Question 25 of 61


Which of the following radiative processes leads to energy conversion?

Select one of the following:

  • Reflexion

  • Absorption

  • Refraction

  • Diffusion


Question 26 of 61


Concentrations caused at a specific point by a continuous point source vary strongly

Select one of the following:

  • in inversions

  • in unstable layers

  • in neutral layers

  • in stable layers under strong wind conditions

  • in isothermal layers near the ground


Question 27 of 61


The troposphere

Select one of the following:

  • is the bottom layer of the atmosphere in which temperature decreases with height

  • is the lower part of the planetary boundary layer

  • is the lower part of the stratosphere and characterised by temperature increases with height

  • consists of the planetary boundary layer and the turbulent surface layer


Question 28 of 61


Boundaries of the global ecological system seem to have been exceeded regarding

Select one of the following:

  • climate change, nitrogen cycle and phosphorus cycle

  • nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle and biodiversity loss

  • ocean acidification, nitrogen cycle and biodiversity loss

  • climate change, nitrogen cycle and biodiversity loss

  • climate change, ocean acidification and biodiversity loss


Question 29 of 61


The following is NOT correct regarding albedo

Select one of the following:

  • Average over the whole globe, albedo is about 5%

  • Albedo is higher for snow than for bitumen

  • Albedo is reflectivity averages over all wave lengths

  • Albedo is the ration of reflected to incoming radiation

  • Albedo increases with the temperature of the reflecting body


Question 30 of 61


The atmosphere is characterised by

Select one of the following:

  • about 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen and 1% Argon content

  • about 0,03 CO2 and 0,05 water vapour content

  • about 80% oxygen and 20% hydrogen content near the surface

  • rapid increase of CO2 and decreases of oxygen concentration

  • good mixing of gases up to 120km height


Question 31 of 61


Which of the following does not heat up faster than global average

Select one of the following:

  • Continents

  • Arctic

  • Alpine region

  • Oceans


Question 32 of 61


In what latitudes do the highest stratospheric ozone concentration occur?

Select one of the following:

  • 20°

  • 60°

  • 80°

  • 45°


Question 33 of 61


The declared aim of the policy of high stacks was to

Select one of the following:

  • Enhanced the chimney effect and create higher effective stack heights

  • Make use of higher wind speed

  • Reduce maximum immissions on the ground

  • Delay deposition

  • Distribute pollutants over larger areas


Question 34 of 61


Global temperatures increases over the last 150 years is about

Select one of the following:

  • 0,2°C

  • 1,2°C

  • 0,8°C

  • 0,4°C


Question 35 of 61


What process is not part of dispersion of pollutants in air?

Select one of the following:

  • Interception

  • Diffusion

  • Decay

  • Deposition

  • Sedimentation


Question 36 of 61


Clinical studies to determine concentration limits for humans help to

Select one of the following:

  • Replace experiments using animals

  • Study exposures under normal conditions

  • Understand systematic dose-effect relationships

  • Study the effect of high exposures


Question 37 of 61


What is characteristic of an Eulerian model?

Select one of the following:

  • The limited amount of input data and numerical capacity needed

  • A coordinate system that is fixed relative to the earth surface

  • The good representation of point sources

  • A grid with increasingly smaller dimensions


Question 38 of 61


What is the dual role of CFCs in the atmosphere?

Select one of the following:

  • Enhanced chemical reactions and produce stratospheric ozone

  • Enhanced chemical reactions and destroy tropospheric ozone

  • Contribute to global warming as GHG and deplete ozone

  • Destroy ozone and contribute to Global Dimming


Question 39 of 61


Inversions can cause high immission concentrations near the ground

Select one of the following:

  • When pollutants are emitted below the inversion

  • Because heating is especially intense in these periods

  • When pollutants are emitted into the inversion through high stacks

  • Because pollutants are pressed downward


Question 40 of 61


Sulfates can cover large distances in the atmosphere because

Select one of the following:

  • They are released in great heights

  • They are not easily washed-out

  • Their lifetime in the atmosphere is long

  • They are especially light compared to their size


Question 41 of 61


What data are not relevant for emission inventories?

Select one of the following:

  • Geographical position of sources

  • Flue gas temperature

  • Stack height

  • Wind speed

  • Emission rates of different pollutant groups


Question 42 of 61


What human impact does not (yet) exceed the resilience boundaries of the global ecosystems?

Select one of the following:

  • Climate change

  • Biodiversity loss

  • Acidification of the ocean

  • Nitrogen cycle


Question 43 of 61


Gaussian models for continuous point sources assume that

Select one of the following:

  • Emission occur at least 10 m above ground

  • life time of pollutants is limited

  • Wind speed exceeds 1 m/s

  • Pollutant concentration is uniform within the plume


Question 44 of 61


Stratospheric ozone concentration

Select one of the following:

  • Is falling in midlatitudes in winter, constant in summer

  • Is falling worldwide

  • Is falling in midlatitudes and strongly over Antarctica

  • Is falling in equatorial regions in winter


Question 45 of 61


What part of the solar spectrum is primarily responsible for the cancer in human skin?

Select one of the following:

  • UVA

  • UVC

  • Roentgen waves

  • UVB

  • Infra-red


Question 46 of 61


Protections regarding climate in the future do not rely on:

Select one of the following:

  • Assumptions on GHG emissions

  • An understanding of radiation

  • Assumptions on the development of the world population

  • Mathematical models to simulate physical processes in the atmosphere

  • Statistical extrapolations of the climate change of the past


Question 47 of 61


Air flow is influences near buildings

Select one of the following:

  • But the induced turbulence is irrelevant for dispersion

  • Up to about 150m behind the building

  • The stronger, the smaller the building is

  • In the vertical within about 2,5 times the height of the building


Question 48 of 61


Which is no Green House Gas (GHG

Select one of the following:

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Carbon dioxide

  • Water vapour

  • Methane

  • Ozone


Question 49 of 61


What feedback mechanism is reinforcing (=positive)?

Select one of the following:

  • Increase in CO2, increased biomass, increased evaporation, cooling

  • Temperature decreases, more glaciers, higher Albedo

  • Temperature increase, increased evaporation, increased cloud cover

  • Temperature increase, forest fires, increased Albedo


Question 50 of 61


Deposition reaches generally its highest values

Select one of the following:

  • Chemical transformation

  • Occult deposition

  • Sedimentation

  • Wet deposition


Question 51 of 61


Emission reductions necessary to meet the 2°C goal are consistent with

Select one of the following:

  • 80% reduction in industrialised and unlimited emissions in other nations

  • 50% reduction of GHG emissions in industrialised nations

  • Full use of conventional and unconventional reserves

  • About 1t of CO2 per person and year till 2050 in industrialised nations

  • GHG emissions about three times the amount already emitted


Question 52 of 61


Which is a secondary pollutant?

Select one of the following:

  • Aerosols

  • Sulfur dioxide

  • Nitrogen oxide

  • Ozone


Question 53 of 61


Expected temperature increases in Austria in the next 20-50 years is about

Select one of the following:

  • 2-4°

  • 0,5-1°

  • 4-6°

  • 5-10°


Question 54 of 61


Which is not a component of the radiation balance at the earth's surface

Select one of the following:

  • diffuse or sky radiation

  • atmospheric radiation

  • celestrial radiation

  • terrestrial radiation

  • direct solar radiation


Question 55 of 61


The effect source height

Select one of the following:

  • is defined as the sum of stack height and plume rise

  • depends on the emitted pollutants

  • is equal to stack height for hot effluents

  • is near 40 km for stratospheric ozone

  • increases with air temperature


Question 56 of 61


Climate change is scientifically proven by...
increase of global mean temperature

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 57 of 61


What is the significance of oceans in the global carbon cycle?
A sink, but may become a source

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 58 of 61


What is not part of geo-engineerying?
Substitution of fossil energy sources

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 59 of 61


Which of the following pollutants are GHGs? All?
Ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 60 of 61


Radiation balances is clearly negative...
night time, strong wind, fog

Select one of the following:

  • True
  • False


Question 61 of 61


Which of the following radiative processes leads to energy conversion?

Select one of the following:

  • Reflexion

  • Diffusion

  • Refraction

  • Absorption
