Created by Ben Evans
almost 8 years ago
Closed Mesh
Useful Nodes
Ideal voltage sources
Current source
Conventional Current
Ohm's Law
Conductance (G)
Kirchhoff's First Law (KCL)
Kirchhoff's Second Law (KVL)
Joule's Law
Resistors are in series when...
Combining resistors in series
Resistors are in parallel when...
Combining resistors in parallel
A resistor is short circuited when...
Voltage Divider
Current Divider
Voltage sources in series
Voltage sources in parallel
Current sources in series
Current sources in parallel
Source transformations
Voltage source => Current source
Source transformation
Current source => Voltage source
Superposition principal
How do you "turn" a voltage source to zero?
How do you "turn" a current source to zero?
When does maximum power transfer occur?
Maximum power transfer equals?
Thevenin's equivalent circuit
Norton's equivalent circuit
How are Norton's and Thevenin's equivalent circuits related?