Created by Annie Loizides
over 7 years ago
What is a natural hazard?
Describe the pattern of earthquakes.
For earthquakes thta do not occur at plate margins, what are they caused by?
What are the two types of crust and describe their features
How do plates move ?
What does tectonic activity at plate margins cause?
Give examples of tectonic haxards
Give examples of atmospheric hazrads.
give examples of geomorphological hazards.
give examples of biological hazrads.
What is the continental drift
What are the types of plate boundaries
Describe a constructive plate margin
describe a destructive plate margin.
What happens where 2 continental plates meet?
Describe a conservative plate margin?
What are hot spots?
What are primary effects?
What are secondary effects?
Primary effects of teh Chile earthquake(27 feb 2010)
Secondary effects of the Chile earthquake
Primary effects of the Nepal earthquakes (25th april 2015)
Secondary effects of of the Nepal earthquake
Immediate responses to Chile
Long term responses to Chile
Immediate responses to Nepal
long-term responses to Nepal
What are immediate responses
What are long-term responses
Give reasons why people live in hazardous areas
Where does Iceland lie?
How does the tectonic activity in Iceland bring benefits?
What are the 4 management strategies for reducing the risk from tectonic hazards?
what is monitoring
What is prediction?
What is protection
What is planning?