Created by ethan vincent
over 7 years ago
Financial ruin for GER. after WW1?
What offensive failed?
'Black day of the German army'?
Why did the conservative elites sought to introduce a more democratic for of government?
What happened in September/ October 1918?
November Revolution?
When was the Ebert- Groener Pact?
When was the armistice?
Der Dolstoss
What happened in Febuary 1919?
19th January 1918 what occurred?
Spartacists Revolt?
What was article 48?
Strengths of the Weimar Republic?
Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic?
What was signed in June 1919?
Reparation bill?
How many men in the army?
How many men in navy?
Air force?
What area became De-militarised?
What article made GER. accept the guilt?
What territory was lost in the East?
Territory lost in West?