Created by Lucinda Adams
over 7 years ago
where does air travel?
what is the process where there is an exchange of gases between lungs and blood and who are responsible for this?
what is gaseous exchange?
what makes alveoli so good at gaseous exchange
what muscles are used during inspiration
what muscles are used during expiration
what is tidal volume
what is minute ventilation
what is inspiratory reserve volume
what is expiratory reserve volume
what is residual volume
what is a spirometer trace
gaseous exchange
what is concentration/diffusion gradient
gaseous exchange at alveoli
gaseous exchange at the muscles
neural and chemical regulation of pulmonary ventilation
what two systems are used to control pulmonary ventilation (breathing) though the the nervous system
what does the sympathetic nervous system do?
what does the parasympathetic nervous system do?
what is the respiratory centre
what happens when the respiratory centre detects and increase in carbon dioxide
what are the two main areas in the respiratory centre?
inspiratory centre
what do chemoreceptors do?
what do proprioceptors do?
what do baroreceptors do?
what affects does smoking have
What does smoking do to blood?